Killers of Great Marriage pt 2
God ordained marriage to be a blissful union, but when it is not adequately handled with care it could rub one of his or her destiny. These are what we engaged in that can mar ones marriage.
1. Lack of Privacy. When you allow your grown up children to stay with you in the same room, you are not making room for intimacy to grow in your home and it will affect your marriage.
Solution: Move all grown children into separate rooms. A marriage bedroom is meant for two people- husband and his wife.
2. Secrecy. Keeping secrets from each other is a very potent time bomb that can destroy any marriage. Solution: Don’t keep secrets. Be open to each other.
Be transparent. Don’t hide anything. Don’t keep anything from each other. Be naked and not ashamed.
3. Bad Conflict Management System. Failure to know how to manage conflict is one of the major reasons people are destroying their marriage. Most are fond of reporting their spouses to outsiders thinking that will solve their problems. Some fight bitter and dirty, many keep malice, other uses avoidance, some cry, while many separate and even get a divorce. None of this can put conflict to an end in marriage.
Solution: Be a conflict manager. Handle conflicts wisely and carefully. Pray about it, handle it with patience and open communication. Be positive always; don’t ever think of separation or divorce. They are not the will of God for your home.
4. Wrong Priority. When people can’t get their priorities right, they end up in trouble. Many men put their work first, while some women put their children first. Some men put their family first, while some women put their friends first. If your priority is not right, you can’t have the right marriage.
Solution: Have the right priority. Your priority should line up in the descending order of God. Your spouse, children, career (job, ministry and business), extended family friends, etc Put God first in everything. This is how God has ordained it and anything to the contrary will make marriage difficult.
5. Lack of mutual respect. Most couples don’t respect each other as it is easier for them to respect outsiders, neighbours, bosses or total strangers than their own mates. Prior the wedding ceremony and love still steaming hot amongst the couple, mutual respect is easy to come by. Unfortunately, afterwards, they through caution to the mind as they brazenly display their disregards, disrespect and dishonor for each other. Lack of respect for each other is a fast lane to marital destruction.
Solution: The Bible commanded that wives should respect their husbands. (Ephesians 5:33), while husbands are enjoined to honour their wives (1 Peter 3:7).
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.
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