Developing Good Character for a Better Marriage Pt 1


Developing Good Character for a Better Marriage Pt 1

– Bisi Adewale

Good character is something that can be consciously developed. In fact, the best way to develop a good one, if you live without good character you will live in bad one. You can’t live your life in a vacuum, so the question you should ask yourself is how can I develop good character? This you can do by doing the following:

1. Break that bad character. Deal with that negative character you have, change bad habit. Read chapter …….for more on this.
2.Develop good habits. Now form good habits by changing your bad behaviors and learn how to act and react positively.
3. Determine good character you will like to develop. Take your pen write bad character you want to deal with and the good ones you want to develop.
4. Change your values. Change your values by changing your belief system and change your belief system by changing the way you think, if you don’t think right you cannot act or reset mind, if you can’t act right you cannot live right.
5. Ask God to help you. Yes, ask for God’s help in your helplessness, he is the only one that can help your infirmities and help change your character to a good one.
6. Pray for strength to do what is right. Ask the Holy Ghost to fill your heart so that you may be able to do what is right and develop a godly character.
7. Talk to yourself. The best preacher you can ever have for yourself is you. So go ahead preach to yourself, talk to yourself about that anger, remind yourself that anger rest in the blossom of a fool, remind yourself that anger of man does not glorify God. Talk to yourself about any bad character inherent in your and about developing a better one.
8. Move with people that have the character you desire. Avoid those with the kind of character, you want to avoid and keep company with those that have the quality you so desire. This will help change your thinking, your belief system and your values.
9. Be persistence. As you try to form new character, you may fail in the first trial, don’t be despondent, be persistent, try again, yes I do try again, be persistence until you win.
10.Get back to the word of God. Fill your heart with the world of God, read it, study it, memorise it, and meditate upon it, let the word break your character and from new one based on your word of God.

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Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.

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