By Bisi Adewale

Most women complain that their husbands are too much in love with their jobs and career out of anger this kind of women do rise up to fight their men and his career. Just to get their attention, this can prove fatal because men find their fulfilment in their career not in their relationship.

If it is your husband secretary that gives him all the necessary support as far as his job is concern; she will be the one that will get his love and attention. You can’t win a man if you don’t love his job and career and even proof to him that you do.

Your husband has both open and secret love with his job, and he is having an ‘affair’ with his career; and your nagging, complains and fighting cannot stop the ‘affair’ because it is a legitimate kind of affair. All you just need to do is to know how to go into his life and heart by support and love.



  1. Believe in Him. No matter what his result is in his work, believe in him. Other men may be getting a better result than him; never compare him with them. Don’t base your love and belief in your husband on his result, no! What makes you a good friend and lover is your ability to believe in him when there is no result. Love him for who he is not for what he is doing or what he has.
  2. Be his friend.John Mason said, “Your true friends are those who bring out the best in you”. Bring out the best in your husband, be a person of vision, be a friend of his mission.
  3. Encourage him in failure.The time your husband needs you most is the time of challenges and failure. Don’t forsake him when he is ‘naked’, stand by him, tell him ‘it is well’ assured him you are still with him, assured him of your love and respect; despite his failure.
  4. Celebrate his success.When he succeeds; celebrate him no matter how ‘small’ you think his success is. Praise him, celebrate him, and make the success look bigger than it is; you will make him happy and will be ready to do more.
  5. Support him financially. Stand by him financially, help him to stand on his feet, appreciate the little he can do now, trust God for more.
  6. Make the home conducive for him.Let him always be eager to come back home, don’t let him feel at home at work, and at work at home. He should feel at home in his house. This you can do by making the home look neat and inviting by not been a nagging or a frightening wife, by not been dirty and smelling. Let him always feel and desire to go back home.
  7. Have a strong passion for his job. Don’t just accept his job because of the bills it can pay, develop a passion for it and love it. In as much as your husband loves his job, you will do yourself a lot of favours if you love it with all your heart in the same direction as he does. 
  8. Pray for him and his job.Don’t just develop a passion for his career, go ahead, and pray for them. Commit your husband work into the hands of the Lord, let the Lord step in and make him the best in it, pray for his protection, progression, promotion and prosperity.
  9. Help him to improve.Do everything within your power to make your husband improve in his own chosen career. Get books for him; encourage him to attend seminars and training workshops.
READ ALSO:  Fundamental laws of marriage Part 8

Thanks and God bless you.

© Bisi Adewale 2020