Marriage And Attention – Why You Must Give Attention To Your Marriage
-Bisi Adewale
Things That Takes Over Attention
The following are what normally takes our attention away from our spouses and family. You need to apply wisdom of God to handle them.
-Our job/career/ministry. You need to learn the principle of work/life balance if you don’t want to destroy your marriage. Remember that a time is coming, you will retire from that job or resign, you will need to go back home, so prepare your future, and attend to your marriage.
– Children. Women do allow their children to take their attention away from their husbands. As soon as a woman gives birth to a child, she will divert all her love towards the baby leaving her husband in a limbo, this is very bad.
Marriage And Attention – Why You Must Give Attention To Your Marriage
– Friends. Some men are fond of abandoning their home to spend more time with their friends, having “fun”, this is very bad.
– Television/internet/computer games. This is another thing that is known to destroy attention at home. Couples rarely have time from each other again today because of television.
– Strange men/women. Illicit relationship is the most dangerous among these things that do take our attention away from our spouses, this is also among.
Dangers Of Not Attending To Each Other:
• It makes marriage to deteriorate
• Love grow cold and wane
• Romance dies
• ill feeling takes over
• Negative thinking take over
• Offence grow
• Constant argument takes over.
• Couples get to know less and less of each other
• Suspicion takes over
• Anger and sadness fills the heart
• Infidelity becomes possible and easy.
Marriage And Attention – Why You Must Give Attention To Your Marriage
Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert. He is the president of college of marital success. He has authored more than 70 books, a renowned international conference speaker and marriage counselor, the host of T.V program called family booster, and the set man of family booster ministry.
You can get his life changing books and free resources on marriage, relationship and family at and reach him @