7 types of kisses every loving couple should try


7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

Sam Wha’anda

7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

Do you kiss a lot? 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

If you do, good… but if you don’t, then you need to up your kissing game a little because it is an important [part of the sexual experience. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

Basically, a kiss is the touching of one’s lips against another person’s, but it is more, and can extend to other parts of the body. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

A kiss can be used to express various sentiments like respect, greeting, friendship, sexual attraction, love, passion, romance, sexual activity, sexual arousal, affection, peace and good luck, a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament…

It is good that you and your lover add kissing to your s*x menu because, according to a study at Oxford University, it plays an important role relationships. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
Simply put, they are an important part of foreplay, and can build the passion for you.


But, like Wha’anda always says, anything that becomes routine and monotonous gets boring, meaning you have to innovate even with kissing to keep it relevant. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
So, to keep yours hot, The Health Site suggests that you should try these 7 types of kissing:

1.Get romantic with the ‘French Kiss’ – this popular form of kissing is perfect for your very passionate moments. To do this, both partners start by locking and then opening their mouths to access each other’s tongues. It is intense! 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
2.Get some action with the ‘Spiderman kiss’ – this was adapted from the Spiderman move in the popular series. To do this, both partners lay in reverse directions, with only their faces or lips coming into contact. It is playful and sweet. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
3.Get warm with the ‘Eskimo kiss’ – this cute form of kisses is for those moments of deep though and lazy intimacy. To do this, both partners rub their noses against each other to build intimacy. They could be standing or lying down. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
4.Get fluttery with the ‘Butterfly kiss’ – this is very romantic, though not really a kiss per se. To do this, both partners come very close to each other until their eyelashes come into contact. Then they flutter the eyelashes against each other, gently.


5.Get body-comfy with the ‘Hickey Kiss’ – this is also called the love bite and it is a little bit different. It is basically kissing someone by sucking on a part of their body, e.g. nipple, stomach, neck, breast, etc. for a long time, until reddened. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try
6.Get an earful with the ‘Earlobe kiss’ – this is a naughty move for those times when you want to catch some laughs together. To do this, one partner tugs the other partner’s earlobe with their lips. It is very sensual because the earlobe is an active erogenous zone for many people. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

7.Get playful with the ‘Peck kiss’ – this playful ‘kiss’ is actually all about planting pecks on each other, that is grazing of lips against any part of the partner’s body – cheek, the lips, the neck or even the back. Pecks can be very integral parts of foreplay to build up sexual tension/passion. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try

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You can do any of these kissing moves as part of foreplay for s*x or even just randomly when there is no s*x involved – just a random show of affection.

Kissing can be executed at anytime and anywhere to boost your intimacy….but remember to have a clean mouth. 7 types of kisses every loving couple should try


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