Companionship In Marriage
Companionship In Marriage

This article is the continuation of same topic. Check the Love category for part1.

(13) Submission – “Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up” I Cor. 13: 14. Love is ready to submit to the wish of the other party, it is not proud, it does not parade itself. It is ready to say”you said it” if not for you” it is ready to say, “lets go ahead if that is how you want it”.

(14) Commitment – True love involves commitment of the spirit, soul and body. It gives everything into the relationship. It writes letters, send e-mails, make phone calls, give gift, pay visits. They are moved by the plight of their partners. They look forward to seeing each other. They are ready to call for reconciliation whenever there is a mis-understanding. They are deeply committed to each other.

(15) Sacrifice – True love is not only committed to the other party, but also ready to make sacrifice. A university undergraduate once used her school fees and personal food allowance to pay for the medical bills of her fiancé. That is sacrifice and that is love. A young lady once refused to be her friend’s chief bride’smaid and used the money she would have use to buy her dress, shoes and bag to pay for her fiancé’s school fees. That is love. Love is sacrificial.

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(16) Giving – “For God so love the world that he gave his ONLY beggoten SON ….” (John 3:16). Love involves giving, true love emphasises giving “what can I give you”? Infatuation and lust emphasise receiving “what can I get from you”? If you are in that relationship because of what you can gain from it then you are not in love. If you are involved with somebody that is only interested in collecting from you, then he or she is not in love with you, love is not robbery, flee from parasitic lovers.

(17) Kindness: “Love suffers long and is kind” I Cor. 13:4. Kindness is the foundation of love. In fact, love is simply defined by an author as  “kind actions giving to undeserved person.

(18) Positive Thinking“… Thinks no evil” I Cor. 13:5. Love will never think of how to punish, revenge and beat the other party. True love will never think of pouring acid on any man that snatches his lover, he will never imagine evil thing.

(19) Forbearance“Bears all things” I Cor. 13:7. There are two “BEARS” in love, “Bear” and forbear. He is ready to bear with inadequacies of the partner and forbear errors and mistakes hence constant complain is not in true love. If you discover that your partner always complain on virtually everything you do, you better be careful, love does not complain, infatuation does.

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(20) Trust“Believe all things” Love believe all things because it has absolute trust in the other party. If you do not trust that lady, stop wasting your time with her and if that man does not trust you it shows he is not in love with you.

(21) Endurance -“Endures all things” 1 Cor. 13: 7 Love is ready to endure, when things are not as expected. True love will not only grow when the account is fat, it will continue to thrive even if the bill is rising and the account is red. It will continue to grow in health and in sickness, in poverty and in prosperity, for better for worse, it will remain as solid as a rock.

(22) Faithfulness: –Love is faithful to the core. You can not say you are in true love with somebody and still have “extra tyre” somewhere. A man that is keeping two of you together at the same time and tell you that you are the one he really loves and that he is just deceiving other ladies is actually deceiving you, true love needs no extra tyre, it is faithful.

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(23) Joy – True love is full of joy and happiness, because it is from God. If you are not always happy being with that person you better withdraw before you go ahead to live a miserable life. (Eccl9:9, Phil 4:4).

(24) Openness – True love is not secretive, it is open. It tells the other party about her past no matter how ugly. it may be.

(25) Meekness and gentleness – True love is meek and gentle, it is not wicked, it is not aggressive and it is not envious. A man that slaps you in anger during courtship and comes back to tell you that he still loves you, that he slapped you because you annoyed him, and he has done so several times, is not in love. If you go ahead to marry him you have given yourself cheaply to a life-time of beating and bashing.

Love is meek, it is gentle, not easily provoked, ready to listen and change. She is not too big to be counselled or corrected.