Family Finance – Four Currency of Life Pt 1


Family Finance – Four Currency of Life Pt 1

Family Finance – Four Currency of Life Pt 1

-Bisi Adewale

Japan has yen, England has pound, France has franc, Germany has mark, Italy has Lire, Mexico has peso, Nigeria has Naira, Ghana has cedes. The United States has dollar. The currency of life on earth is TIME; currency of marriage is love while currency of friendship is communication. Money has its own currencies, though it is the currency of every nation.
Failure to know that every money in your pocket and your bank account has it currencies will make you to misuse and abuse it; thereby making the future to be difficult for you financially.
Most of our millionaires of yesteryears are now living in abject poverty because they didn’t know the currencies of money.
Most people that throw party anyhow and display affluence extravagantly do end up in debt, get broke or bankrupt, deep their hands into their employers money and destroy themselves, simply because they do not understand the currencies of money.
When you know what money is and it’s make up, you will be more careful, not stingy but prudent.

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What is Currency of Money?
Inside every Naira or Dollar in your hands are 4 currencies, you must into this realization and become wise with what you do with them.

1.Divine Currency- God must have His own portion in every money you make. He was the one that gave you power to make the money in the first instance. Your tithe (10 percent of all your income) is nonnegotiable with God, you must give it to Him, if you want him to bless you and protect you from devourer. Tithe and offering is your ‘divine currency’, if you don’t want things to be tight with you later pay tithe, pay your personal tithe and pay your corporate tithe. This is covenant secret you must never ignore. Also in the divine currency is the offering you pay, the money you contributed to the work of God and the one you give to the poor and less privileges. Most people ignore this very important aspect of their earning, 10% is always too big in our eyes to give to the one that gave you 100% and can still give us 1000%. If you want to amount to something tomorrow, please obey this divine injection and it shall be well with you.

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2.Societal Currency- This is the part of your income you spend, so when you collect your salary and begin to buy things, cars, electronics, food stuff, recharge card phones, cloths, shoes, etc you are giving the society back its money in your hands back to them.

Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, an international conference speaker, author of more than 40 books on marriage and family life, host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments . E-mail :

Family Finance – Four Currency of Life Pt 1