10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2

How Kind Thinking Will Help Your Marriage
How Kind Thinking Will Help Your Marriage

10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2

By: Bisi Adewale

Character is marriage, marriage is character. The success or failure of marriage is a function of character. Most times bad character destroys marriage more than any other things in life.
10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
6. Humility. 10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
Humility is an essential character to build a successful marriage. Relate and speak with all humility. Humility will get you attached to your spouse while pride will make you repulsive to him. Come down, bow down to your husband if you want him to stick to you forever. Humility and submissive wives don’t get beaten by their husbands. Be humble enough to take to correction. Be humble enough to allow your husband to speak while you listen to him. It takes a humble woman to win the heart of her husband.
10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
7. Goodliness. 10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
Goodliness connotes godly character and way of life. Don’t just be a member of a denomination, be godly in your conversation, actions, attitudes and dressing. You can’t be godly and be insulting, disobeying, or keeping malice with your husband and his family. Be godly indeed and let there be reflection of goodliness in all that you do.
10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
8. Industrious. 10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
Successful marriage is a hard work and men generally love hard working women. Industrious wives are hardworking wives. As a wife, you need a develop a positive attitude towards work. Avoid being lazy, when you are lazy, your house will be dirty. You will be a liability to your husband. Don’t be a full-time house wife, work with your hands and be a pillar of support for your husband and children. Though, you may not have a white collar job, you can create a job for yourself by trading with your talents and also engage in other
10 Characters That Builds An Excellent Marriage part2
9. Selflessness.
Selflessness is one of the major killers of marriage. Never allow any traits of selflessness to raise its ugly head in your life. Imbibe the attitude of selfishness by caring for your husband and other people than yourself. Considering the needs of your husband ahead of your own will make you get more than what you bargain for because great wives are celebrated not for what they did for themselves but for what they did for their husbands.


10. Respect.
Every husband wants respect from their wife. If you want peace in that marriage, respect your husband. No matter his height, level of academics qualifications or financial life; respect him. As a wife, you may have a better qualification, richer and more exposed; all these notwithstanding give him respect. Let him talk, obey his decisions and let his opinion counts.