Forms Of Marriage Unveiled


Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

-Bisi Adewale

Forms Of Marriage Unveiled


It is important  that you read this portion very well and try to improve on your own marriage.

We have four types of marriages which we called Type A to Type D marriages.

TYPE D MARRIAGES- This is also known as VETERAN MARRIAGE- This is the marriage of couples who have lived together for a long time. They abandoned combats and the wrestling ring to their younger days. Their marriages were full of strife and open brawls but that has ceased, not because they are now fine, but because they are too old or too weak to fight. Now they are not foes and are not friends, they just live their life as it comes and wait patiently for the day of their demise.Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

In this kind of marriage, there has been an emotional divorce and mental separation. They have almost nothing in common. Oneness is dead, fondness is zero, and togetherness is a strange grammar. But it is full of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, malice, keeping records of old words, vengeance, nagging, etc.Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

TYPE C MARRIAGE– This is also known as COMBATANT MARRIAGE- This is full of fighting, open quarrels and scuffles, public embarrassment of one’s partner, wife battering, bickering, shouting, ‘cooking strike’ action by the wife, sexual denial, hunger strike (rejection of food by the husband) reporting each other to families, friends, neighbor and colleagues, competitive spirit, and become sworn enemies of each other.Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

This kind of marriage is very common. It is around us. You and I can name couples in this category. One wonders whether they were ever in love, but the truth is, they were once in love. They were jolly friends, inseparable lovers and companion, most especially before and immediately after wedding. Before they got to this stage they must have passed through “Type B” type of marriage before they graduated to Type C level. If it does not break down, it eventually grows into the Type D unless they seek professional counselling to improve their marriage.


TYPE B- MONOTONOUS MARRIAGE– It is a boring marriage, full of routine. Romance has been shot dead, friendship has flown, playfulness has reduced to a dot, communication has dried up. There is boredom in the bedroom, loneliness, “alone-ness”, solo syndrome, unmet expectation, focus only on job and career or on children, enjoying the company of others instead of being with one’s spouse, loving to travel away from home, or coming late from office without any justifiable reasons for it.Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

TYPE A – HOT AND SIZZLING MARRIAGE- It is a romantic marriage, full of love, kindness, care and companionship, it is healthy and full of life. This isn’t simply because they are not fighting. People involved are best of friends. They are lovers; they are not just house mates, they are room mates, bed mates, talk mates, play mates and soul mates.

It involves togetherness, fondness, oneness, friendliness, playfulness, hugs, non-sexual touching, intoxicating love, high level communication, talking, jesting, homeliness, jokes, laughter, surprise gift and high intensity love making.

The plan of God for your marriage is for it to be a “TYPE A” marriage, so that you can enjoy what heaven feels like on earth.

READ ALSO:  55 Ways To Show Respect Your Husband .

Monogamous marriage needs not become monotonous. It is possible to be married to a man or woman throughout your life and still remain deeply in love years after you said “I do”. But this will not happen automatically because the natural tendency of a field is toward the wilderness. If you don’t tender it, it will grow wild weed. If you leave your marriage unattended to; it will grow stale and cause you deep trouble.

Marriage is like a new born baby; it needs to be tendered. It is like a flower; it needs to be nurtured. It is like a glass cup; it is fragile and it must be handled with care.    Forms Of Marriage Unveiled

Through wisdom is a house builded and by understanding it is established.

And by knowledge shall the chambers b e filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

A wise man is strong, yea a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war and in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

Wisdom is too high for a fool; he openeth not his mouth in the gate”.

Proverb 24:3-7.

A home, your marriage can only be built by wisdom.

“Through wisdom is a house builded….” Not through nagging, not through sexual denial, not through fighting or wife battering.

“And by understanding it is established…” You can only establish your home through understanding. Understanding of your husband/wife, understanding of what marriage all about, understands of what the scripture says about marriage, romance, sex, parenting and family life in general.


Without wisdom and understanding, it will be difficult to have a hot and sizzling marriage. Marriage problem is not in-laws problem; it is not money problem; it is not sex problem; it is simply a wisdom problem. Ignorance still remains the number one killer of marriage.

What I intend to do in this book is to place in your hands wisdom for taking your marriage from TYPE D to TYPE A. I hate veteran, combatant and monotonous marriages because God hate them. God loves healthy marriages, because homes that are healthy are the only homes that can accommodate Him.

Let’s work together in building a TYPE A marriage to make your home a place God can dwell, to build a romantic marriage, a place of love and care, a place of peace and absolute rest, joy and God’s presence.

You can have a home that will give you joy. Your spouse can become your best friend; you can be happily married no matter your past experiences in marriage. All you need is knowledge and that is what this book is about to impart you with. I write this book to give you the mind of God as far as marriage is concerned, to prove to you that monogamous marriage  is not a synonym of monotonous  marriage and to teach you how to have HOT AND SIZZLING MARRIAGE. It is practical and down to earth .Your marriage is about to turn around, God is about to make your home a place to be; prepare for a new home.

Culled from:HOT AND SIZZLING MARRIAGE,a book by Bisi Adewale.