Elegant young couple standing at a reception desk with their passports with the beautiful woman smiling as she waits for service


-Bisi Adewale



It is not every wedding that should take place. You should be careful not to involve yourself in a wedding that will wreck your destiny. You must be able to identify these weddings and avoid them like plagues.6 WEDDING EVERY SINGLE MUST AVOID


Feeding bottle is meant for babies; adult has nothing to do with it, except to use it to feed babies.6 WEDDING EVERY SINGLE MUST AVOID

While feeding bottle is meant for babies, marriage is not meant for babies. It is not for boys/girls; it is for men and women that are ready to take responsibilities. Marriage is not a take care center; it is not a crèche or a nursery c lass. It is a place of duty and sacrifice. Immature singles should never think of wedding now.

Therefore shall a MAN leave his father and mother and be joined to his WIFE, and they shall become one flesh”. (Genesis 2:24)

It is a man that to be joined to his wife, not a boy to his girlfriend. You must be mature before wedding. Any wedding between a man and an immature person is a feeding- bottle feeding.6 WEDDING EVERY SINGLE MUST AVOID


Never build the foundation of your marriage on faulty foundations; this will surely backfire.

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“If the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do” (Psalm 11:3)

The following foundations are wrong:money,beauty,gifts and public opinion

Never base your marital choice on what people says, majority may be wrong, let the Lord leads you.


“Black and white wedding” is a wedding between a believer, who is the light
(white) and an unbeliever, who is the darkness (Black). This type of wedding must be avoided.

God commands His children not to be yoked together with an unbelievers “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?. And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Cor. 6:14-16).

An unbeliever is not in the agenda of God for you. If you marry anybody that does not believe in Jesus as his/her Lord and personal saviour you will be doing yourself a lot of harm. God can never choose an unbeliever for you. Never think you are in will of God if you do or God could use you to convert him or her, you are not a “converter”.


A young lady was jilted by her lover of three years. She was devastated and almost committed suicide but for the help of friends and colleagues. One of these colleagues was a Christian brother who took keen interest in this case. He counseled the sister, prayed with her and stood by her. He was really touched by her problem. Then this brother started feeling being in love with the sister. He proposed and the sister consented right away. Three month later, they were married. It was after the wedding that the brother discovered he was never in love with the sister. He was only sympatising with her.6 WEDDING EVERY SINGLE MUST AVOID

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Never marry anybody because of sympathy. If you do, your situation may be so pathetic in future that people will be sympatising with you. Marry base on true and genuine love. Never marry anybody to wipe their tears. This may tear your life apart


Never rush into wedding out of pressure. Be patient; pray and take time to be with God. Open your eyes to see the person you want to marry. Ask questions; listen to God and His people. Do not be blind to negative signals and do not be so love drunk to point of not seeing bad characters and ungodly habits.

Never allow anybody to pressurise you into a wrong marriage. “Pressure wedding” must not take place.

The following people can mount pressure on you for one reason or the other:Your peers,parents,your age and sexual urge

Be wise. Take time to prepare physically, mentally, spiritually, financially and emotionally before wedding.



You will be having a dry wedding if you marry somebody you do not love or someone who does not love you. Love is very pivotal to the success of any marriage. Make sure you marry somebody you love. Make sure you marry somebody that loves you. Never go into a dry wedding that will lead to a dry, rocky and turbulent marriage.

Love is central to the building of a better marriage. When love departs from a marriage, the rest is frustration, strife, bitterness, resentment and war. Open your eyes widely. Never make the mistake of marrying somebody that just tolerates your existence. Marry somebody that accepts you the way you are; somebody that celebrates you and makes you feel important. 6 WEDDING EVERY SINGLE MUST AVOID

 Culled from:20 Weddings That Must Not Take Place.A book by Bisi Adewale.

Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004,08051512823,BB:2AF5C883, Blog:  www.bisiadewale.com, Website:www.familybooster.com facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter@bisiadewale