Olden Day’s Marriage, Modern Day’s Marriage And Bible-Based Marriage. Pt 3


Olden Day’s Marriage, Modern Day’s Marriage And Bible-Based Marriage. Pt 3
Bisi Adewale

Bible-Based Marriage- Bible based marriage is based on biblical principles. It follows divine ordinance makes people involves happy continually, gives room for good and Godly parenting, eliminate the devil and satisfies God continually.
It involves the following:
– It is rooted on God’s word-God is involved in the choice making process; with prayer and divine direction as the major determinants, it involves pure courtship, Glorious wedding (Hebrews 13:4) and happy marriage.
– Headship of the Husband- Husband is the head. He is a leader not a boss, a husband not a horseman and the head not the headache. Here, husband knows that he is just the “figurehead”, the true head is God himself. Hence, he is careful to do everything in the fear of the Lord, not lording it over the wife. (Eph. 5:23-24)
– Wife as the subhead- The wife is ready to submit in reverence to God . However, she obeys, and worships her husband. (Ps. 45:10-11).
– Loving Husband- The husband is a lover, loving the wife as the Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:28-30)
– There is positive communication
– Husband has the final say but the wife is given the opportunity of influencing decisions.
– Third parties (children, in-laws, friends etc) are not given opportunity of coming between them (Genesis 2:24).
– There is humour and laughter in the home. A marriage without humour is like a car without bumper; very ugly.
– Prayer, family altar and bible study are common observances.
– There is constant romance in the marriage (1 Corinthians 7:4-5)
– Togetherness, oneness and unity are in the house
– Husband and wife stays in the same room; good communication is allowed and God is glorified
– Marriage is seen as permanent- No isolation, no separation, no divorce.
– In a Bible based marriage, men brings joy and stabilize the family (Eccl 9:9), while the women (the hearts of the family) have herald in peace, tranquility and comfort (Genesis 24:67)
– In the Bible based marriage, there is leaving, cleaving and loving; marriage is seen as a team work (Genesis 2:24-25, Amos 3:3)
– Sex is given a good place in this kind of marriage. The woman is not using it as a weapon or a tool for trade by barter etc; and the husband is not raping the wife. (1 Corinthians 7:1-5)
– There is truth, faithfulness, openness and sincerity
– Forgiveness is daily phenomenon.
– Childlessness does not terminate marriage here.
– Acceptance, contentment are involves.
Above all, God is the center of this kind of marriage. That is why it lasts and endures, godly children, affects the church and the environment positively. Any body that desires a great life should grow his marriage from olden days and modern day’s marriage to a Bible based marriage.


Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.

Get daily lesson and teaching and articles from his blog: bisiadewale.com and You can also get his resources and also send an mail to familybooster01@yahoo.com. for any counselling issue. Visit https://bisiadewale.com for daily updating!