Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 46) MARRIAGE IS A RACE 2


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Still on the story of Derek Redmond, a British athlete who tore his hamstring in the 400 metres semi-final of the 1992 Olympics but decided to finish the race despite all odds.


As he got up to run in pains, a large man from the stands began to run towards the track. It was Tim Redmond, Derek’s father, disregarding security guards, running over people, determined that no one would stop him, he ran to his son’s side. At first Derek tried to push him away, not realizing it was his father. He thought someone was trying to get him to quit the race.


Recognizing that familiar voice Derek said, “Dad, I have to finish the race.”

“If you’re going to finish the race, then we’ll finish it together.” With those words, his father took his son in his arms, and together they began to hobble down the track.

READ ALSO:  How Not to Get Bored in Marriage


By this time, the other runners had completed the race, and the crowd realized that Derek wasn’t hobbling off the track to quit the race but he wants to get to the finish line.


In total disbelief, 65,000 fans stood to their feet and began to cheer. The roar of the crowd increased with each painful step.


Approaching the finish line, Jim Redmond stepped aside to allow Derek cross by himself. The crowd exploded into thunderous applause. Derek collapsed in his father’s embrace, and both wept on each other’s shoulders, along with 65,000 fans and millions of viewers along the globe. Derek had finished a race the world would never forget.

In your marriage lean on each other when it hurts, do not quit, stop fighting each other, you are lovers not rivals.


Help each other; come to the aid of your lover like Derek’s Father did. There is no medal for the quitter; there is no record for them.

READ ALSO:  Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 34) LOOK INTO THE MIRROR


I cannot tell you that happiness is guaranteed every day. No, at times it will hurt, but you can be sure there’s joy in the morning. Your Children will thank you; you will enjoy the decision in old age.


Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint.  Give it your best, make it work and you will be glad you did.


I am Bisi Adewale, Have a blissful day