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Having driven for about 20 minutes, Peter attempted to break the silence. He turned to Jake his friend who was driving and said, this is a great Car, beautiful and elegant, how wish i have a car like this? When last did you service it?
Peter looked at him with disdain and said i service this car every two months its very expensive to maintain a big Car like this but what has this got to do with the violent behaviour of my wife, can’t you see that she nearly broke my head with that bottle, we have to run from home, the car is big but I have a bigger problem at home.
’We are saying the same thing Jake’ Peter interrupted.
No Peter we came here to talk about my Marriage after escaping the Armegedon at home, only for you to be talking about my Car.
Peter said you service your Car every two months, but you are not servicing your marriage, i did not see a violent woman in your house, i saw a frustrated one, planning to travel today when her 40th birthday is in a few days time is too much for her to bear, you just came back from a three weeks business trip from the US.
You’ve got to service your marriage. Perhaps if you treat your marriage like a Car, she will serve you better than this big Car.
Dear listener,
Like Jake, Your marriage needs servicing, it needs attention, a Car not serviced will end up with a knocked engine, just as a Marriage not well maintained will end in disarray.
We spend time taking care of our Cars. Any car abandoned will disappoint when needed. Spending quality time with your spouse should not be a luxury, it’s a necessity, it’s the oxygen of your Marriage, treat your marriage like a Car, spend time to attend to it.
Dont abandon your Marriage, dont neglect your spouse, your marriage is much more important than your Car, take good care of your home more than any other thing you have