Handle Things Wisely
1. Money: Money can be a blessing to a family but it can also be an agent of destabilisation, hence, we must handle it wisely. Be open to each other about your income, plan together, spend together, never allow money to separate you. Selfishness, stinginess, unfaithfulness, lying, deceit should not be allowed in your marriage, they give room for the enemy to come into the home. Let there be openness, truthfulness, faithfulness and trust. Use money as a tool to improve your marriage, never allows the enemy to use it against you. Handle it wisely. 2. Conflict: Conflict is another thing you must handle with wisdom and patience. There will always be misunderstanding and conflict but you must handle yours with prayer and care, lest it destabilizes your home. Avoid doing or saying things that will have a lasting negative impact. Use conflicts to improve your marriage; use it to connect with your spouse, use it as a stepping stone not a stumbling block, be positive, be open, be patient and be careful. 3. In-Laws: In-laws should be handled with care and wisdom, they are part of our daily life. They can be the positive or negative types. They can be loving or wicked, caring or bossy. No matter what they are, it is your responsibility to use them to build your homes instead of allowing them to destroy our family. 4. Third parties: Apart from in-laws, third parties like friends, neighbors and family members must be handled with shrewdness. They must not be allowed to run the affairs of your family. 5. Children: We must be astute in dealing with children. We must train them in the way of the Lord, and bring them to the knowledge of Christ. Virtues of responsibility, honesty, diligence, focus, love, prudence, loyalty, patriotism, faithfulness should be taught and be inculcated in them.
Handle Things Wisely
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, an international conference speaker, author of more than 30 books on marriage and family life, host of family T.V. program called Family Booster.
Handle Things Wisely
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