Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 44) GETTING READY FOR MARRIAGE -Part 3


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Shoes from Italy, Wedding Gown from England, Bridal train on point but Juliet’s Pastor probed further if indeed she is ready for marriage.


Everything is set Sir. She re-affirmed. We have secured the best hall in town, it has five thousand capacity, and we are spending about 4 Million Naira to decorate the hall.


The Pastor said, you are really set for this wedding, but you’ve not told me any of your preparation for the Marriage.


Dear soon-to-be married Bride or Groom,


Wedding is just for a day while marriage is for the rest of your life .Have you been preparing for your marriage? Or you have being distracted by the wedding?


What makes a marriage work is not the bridal train, but bridal training. By bridal training I mean the acquisition of knowledge required by the husband and wife.



Lots of guys will hit the altar this Saturday totally clueless about what marriage is all about. They know about girlfriends but nothing about how to handle a pregnant woman.


Lots of ladies are fond of pursuing their dream wedding forgetting how to make their marriage a dream marriage They know close to nothing about Men, marriage and family life.


Stepping into marriage without the knowledge of marriage is like going into a self-built prison.


Every lady that wants to marry and enjoy family life should learn how to manage the home, relate with in-laws, her husband’s ego and temperament, as well as how to manage communicate and resolve conflicts.


Every man that will enjoy his marriage must learn how to be a leader at home, how to be a father to his wife and children, how to be a manager of resources, a provider and be a lover of his wife.


READ ALSO:  Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 47) APPRECIATE YOUR WIFE

Here is my warning to you today. Do not get wedded without a deep knowledge of marriage and family life. There’s a day after wedding, it is called marriage.