Bisi Adewale
You need to learn to lift the spirit of your mate; a depressed spirit is dangerous to its owner and people around him.
Be a source of inspiration. Be like Hur and Aaron helped to lift the hands of Moses so that he can win the battle of life, edify your mate.
Let me show you practical ways to do this:
- Magnify the good qualities of your spouse. Talk about it often, brag about it, flaunt it in both his presence and absence and say it to your children, to his /her friends and your friends.
- Make the irrevocable decision to never again be critical, or condemn your mate.
- Never compare your mate negatively with anybody.
- Never fail to compare positively saying your mate is better or more beautiful than somebody.
- Celebrate his/her success lavishly; never see any success as little.
- Never blame him or her for his failure.
- Handle mistakes and errors in such a way that it will not dampen the spirit of your spouse.
- Study him or her, know the area of weakness; know that, that is your area of strength. God brought you together to complement each other. Do everything to build him/her up without blaming or nagging.
- Never fail to recognize talents, abilities and accomplishment. Even if it is not up to that of some other people, he is still better than some people.
- Communicate your respect and honour for the work he or she does.
- Any good habit you see in your children say that they pick it from him or her.
- Tell your children “Daddy (Mummy) is a wonderful man (woman).
- Remember his/her birthday and celebrate it lavishly.
- Let your mate always feel like somebody special
- Wives-Say it and show it that your husband is a real man, hardworking, wise and focused.
- Seek his opinion, value his judgment, and avoid arguing with him.
- Willingly follow his instruction with joy
- Husbands– never admire any other lady when your wife is there. Even if you know the lady is beautiful keep it to yourself
- Praise the beauty and dressing of your wife always.
- Always make her feel younger, never call her an old woman.
- Say it publicly and privately how precious she is to you.
- Be playful with each other.
- Smile to his/her jokes
- Be very happy to welcome him/her back home. Lighten up, be happy, and shout for joy because he/she is back.
- Be polite to each other, be courteous.
- Treat each other as VIP; never downgrade; never embarrass.
- Say positive things always. Appreciate everything, never threaten, abuse and curse. Settle misunderstanding without calling each other names.
© Bisi Adewale 2020