13 Amazing things to do TOGETHER in Marriage


13 Amazing things to do TOGETHER in Marriage

The best thing for you is to be where God wants you to be and do what He desires of you. A train is an effective means of transportation but casualty results if it derails.  A jet is big and looks magnificent but if it tries to land anywhere else apart from the tarmac, it will explode. In the same vein, the best place you can be is to be with your spouse, doing everything together.

On the other hand, a striker may blame a goal keeper for conceding three goals but he should be blamed too for not scoring six goals. Marriage is team work, do everything together.



  1. Bone of my bones. Bringing together bones of the same body separated by God from the beginning. (Gen. 2:23)
  2. Flesh of my flesh. Joining flesh of the same body separated by the GOD OF ALL FLESH from the beginning.
  3. Spirit of my spirit. Coming together of the spirit of the same spirit, to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. Malachi 2:15
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        15 Amazing things to do TOGETHER

  1. Talk together. Talk, talk, talk and talk (communication)
  2. Live together (same house). 2:24
  3. Take a stroll together. Hand in handhusband and wife..
  4. Rejoice together (Don’t monopolize glory)
  5. Work together (Job is twice tedious if done alone). (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
  6. Sleep together. (Never stay in different rooms. Those “daddy’s room” and “mummy’s room” is ungodly. Be in the same room and on the same bed. Don’t just be together for sex only. Marriage is companionship.
  7. Enjoy sex together. Wives have the right to enjoy it just as the man, seek to satisfy each other.
  8. Spend together. Joint account is the best in all Christian’s homes. What God had joined together, let no account put asunder.
  9. Pray together. Couples that pray together, stay together. Prayer is the pivot of all successful marriages. Pray for and with your spouse. Make your marriage a part of your salvation experience.1 Thessalonians 5:17
  10. Attend church together. Go hand in hand to church. Do not leave your spouse behind. Sit together in the service. (If the church permits it)
  11. Study the Bible together. Sit down with your spouse to study the scriptures. It will increase your closeness to God and each other. Joshua 1:8
  12. Praise God together. Let your home be filled with the praise of God. Lift holy hands in one accord with your spouse to say the Lord is good. The results will amaze you.
  13. Do house chores together. Don’t commit house chores into the hands of your wife alone. Support her in the kitchen. Help her in doing the plates, flushing the toilet, cleaning the bathroom etc. This is the best way to demonstrate your love. Proverbs 17:17