Healthy Marriage Test
– Bisi Adewale
Healthy Marriage test is a way of examining your marriage so that you can take necessary steps to mend your marriage before it deteriorates. What do you think your spouse will score you? Before you answer that, can you kindly answer the following questions sincerely and score yourself.
Healthy Marriage Test
1. Have you said “I love you” to each other in the past one week?
2. Do you sleep in the same room?
3. Has somebody come to settle any dispute for you in the last 3 years?
4. You’ve not argued about sex in the last one year.
5. You’ve prayed together in the last 48hour.
6. You say “I am sorry” regularly to each other.
7. You know each other’s shoe size.
8. The husband knows the wife’s bra sizes.
9. You hug each other every day
10. You have never had a shouting match.
11.The wife invites the husband for sex.
12.You know each other’s salary.
13.You know each other’s e-mail password.
14.You’ve watched your wedding picture together in the last one year.
15.You discuss freely about your sex life.
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 40 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Momments. Get daily lesson and teaching and articles from his blog: and You can also get his resources and also send a mail to Visit for daily updating!