Bisi Adewale 

One great way to win your husband love and attention is to pursue him sexually. Yes, pursue him. The whole truth is you can NEVER win him without warming his bed. No! you can’t, you can’t win him with your pant on and your bra hooked; an average red-blooded man wants sex, your husband wants it too.

Many house wives would love it if the lord removes sex from marriage, but all married men will ever want sex in marriage if God can make their wives love it more and give them more. So be his babe, not just his wife. HE WON’T LOVE YOU IF YOU HATE SEX.

I think I need to tell you reasons you must have sex constantly with your husband; I have a whopping 103 of them. I got some from the writings of Laura M. Brotherson while the rest is entirely mine. That is to say Laura a woman and I a man are have combined effort and our years of experience in marriage counselling to give you these reasons that will provoke you to love having sex with your husband. 

So let go as I show you these reasons:

  1. To affirm that sex is of God
  2. To keep your husband pure.
  3. To protect your husband from other women
  4. To glorify God and maker of marriage and sex
  5. To make him accept you totally.
  6. To keep your husband focus on you
  7. To help your husband focus on his career.
  8. To show your husband you still love you.
  9. To protect your family finance which will be wasted if your husband sleep around
  10. To enhance bonding with your husband
  11. To enjoy the best entertainment the family life can give
  12. To make him crazily in love with you.
  13. To ‘know’ each other better.
  14. To communicate love in an usual way.
  15. To show your ‘husband’ to him.
  16. To demonstrate your sensitivity to him
  17. To create an emotional attachment with your husband 
  18. To relieve stress.
  19. To improve emotional intimacy.
  20. To boost your immune system.
  21. To burn calories.
  22. To improve heart health.
  23. To build self esteem.
  24. To decrease pain.
  25. To improve sleep for both yourself and your husband 
  26. To help reduce prostate cancer risk in your husband
  27. To make him celebrate you and treat you like his queen 
  28. To strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
  29. To increase blood flow in the body.
  30. To reduce cravings and fatigue.
  31. To get better understanding of each other
  32. To connect emotionally, physically and spiritually to your husband.
  33. To fight aging.
  34. To become a very great influence in his life
  35. To awaken your sexual senses.
  36. To say, “I love you” in your husband’s love language.
  37. To experience pure pleasure.
  38. To just have fun together with your husband, and be more playful.
  39. To fulfill each other’s universal need for touch.
  40. To reduce your husband’s vulnerability to temptation. 
  41. To experience many physiological and psychological health benefits.
  42. To help repair and/or rejuvenate your marriage.
  43. To become ONE with your husband
  44. To affirm that sex is of God.
  45. To help your husband feel more calm and contented (and less irritable).
  46. To co-create children.
  47. To keep the romance alive in marriage.
  48. To attend to one of your husband’s greatest need
  49. To experience lovemaking’s natural anti-depressant effects.
  50. To better satiate your husband’s desire.
  51. To experience profound joy and intimacy with your husband.
  52. To experience a “holy recreational activity” with your husband.
  1. To switch gears from parent or employee to spouse and sweetheart.
  2. To demonstrate your monopoly at your husband
  3. To help you forget about all your cares for a little while.
  4. To nurture love and friendship in your marriage.
  5. To forgive each other 
  6. To reconcile with your husband
  7. To give a “gift” to the one you love which no other person is permitted to give him.
  8. To enjoy “God’s wedding gift to husband and wife.”
  9. To get to “know” each other (as defined in the Bible).
  10. To cure a headache.
  11. To practice and perfect the intricate art of lovemaking.
  12. To overcome 46 negative inhibitions and beliefs about sex
  13. To fulfill the human need for intimacy and connection.
  14. To awaken, embrace and develop your sexuality.
  15. To practice asking for what you want and need sexually.
  16. To learn how to give what your husband wants and needs sexually.
  17. To experience the ecstasy of lovemaking available to every couple.
  18. To enhance and reinforce marital unity and commitment.
  19. To enjoy the greats communion ever.
  20. To help you focus on your husband only
  21. To show your husband how much you love him.
  22. To make your husband feel like a man
  23. To boost your husband’s ego
  24. To enjoy the greatest gift of God for married couple.
  25. To enjoy the greatest pleasure created by God.
  26. To preserve your marriage.
  27. To bring down tension in your marriage 
  28. To celebrate sex in your marriage.
  29. To enjoy dividend of matrimony.
  30. To kicks tart togetherness and openness in your marriage 
  31. To enjoy total fusion of body, soul and spirit
  32. To make your marriage more romantic than ever.
  33. To deliver your husband from lust.
  34. To help your husband from being destroyed by pornography, masturbation, etc.
  35. To help your husband become more spiritual.
  36. To help your husband become content with you
  37. To enjoy peace in your marriage
  38. To protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases that you can contact.
  39. To build a fulfilling marriage
  40. To satisfying your husband libido because (a married man with an unsatisfied libido is a danger going somewhere to happen)
  41. To get secure your husband attention
  42. To push third party away from your husband
  43. To cleave to your husband and make him cleaves to you.
  44. To make your husband enjoy coming back home.
  45. To become the soul mate of your husband not just the house mate or roommate.
  46. To prevent unnecessary anger from your husband
  47. To prevent unnecessary strife and battering
  48. To prevent your marriage from deteriorating
  1. To prevent divorce
  2. To enhance quick understanding of each other
  1. To destroy secrecy between you and your husband
READ ALSO:  How To Improve Your Lovemaking

© Bisi Adewale 2020