-Bisi Adewale

For your husband’s sexual needs to be met, you need to do more than just lie down and say, “Do whatever you want to do and let me sleep”. You won’t just sleep with your husband, but you will sleep with his imagination. You must capture his five senses; you must let him feel he is getting the best he can get anywhere in the world. This you must do by being joyful, committed, consistent, inviting and creative.

I will be showing you how best to sleep with your husband and win him forever. I will be very practical, down-to-earth and descriptive. Go ahead, implement my suggestions and see your yellow bed go green and your husband turn into a LOVER BOY.

  1. Get Knowledge: Get these three books they will really help you greatly 
  • Secrets Of An Irresistible Wife
  • Secrets Of An Irresistible Husband
  • Sexual Fulfillment In Marriage
  1. Make Up Your Mind To Be Your Husband’s Sexy Girl: Lots of times, wives are good cooks, good mothers, good house managers, and good support but a very bad sex partner. I’ve spoken to lots of couples whose marriages are in danger because of this. Please don’t join them. You can be a Proverbs 31 Woman and still lose your husband to strange women out there. So, you need to also, be a Songs of Solomon woman and become your husband’s sexy girl. The Proverbs 31 woman was good at everything but nothing was mentioned about her romantic life and her ability in the bedroom. Many Godly wives put only this into their heads and allow the devil to strike through carelessness in the bedroom.

Don’t just be your husband’s wife, mother, cook, launderer, housekeeper etc. You have got to be your husband’s mistress, lover girl, concubine, babe, sexy baby and bedroom mate. You are married to a full-blooded man, full of fire in his groin and you’ve got to quell this fire regularly. Don’t say he is spiritual and he can’t fall. No girl, God knows about spirituality before he sanctioned sexuality and put sex in marriage.

  1. Think Right About Sex: Develop your mind to think this way:
  • Sex is a gift from God, I will enjoy it.
  • Sex is good
  • Sex is Godly
  • Sex is for pleasure, not pain
  • Sex is for both of us to enjoy
  • Sex is the best gift you can give to your husband
  • I am the only one who should sleep with my husband and I am going to do a great job.
  • I will make my husband fulfilled sexually.
  • I will sleep with my husband regularly, joyfully, and creatively.


  1. Talk About Sex With Your Husband: Discuss with your husband about sex. Know what he wants and how to satisfy him. Tell him what you want too and how he can satisfy you sexually.
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  1. Dress For Sex: When it’s getting late in the night, let your dresses change. Dress down and get ready for bed. The more he looks, the more he sees. Your husband will like it.


  1. Put Sex In Your To-Do List: When you are writing your to-do list for the day, put sex among them. Your body will be ready for sex, no matter how tired you are in the evening.


  1. Make It A Pre-planned Sex: Discuss with your husband about sex in the morning. Promise him an explosive firework in the night, tell him to come home early, he will not disappoint you.


  1. Be Involved In Foreplay: Be involved totally in foreplay. Arouse him, touch him, massage him, kiss him, touch his nipples, suck his nipples and let him suck yours too, let him play with your breast, play with his penis and gently touch his testicles. Don’t just wait to be touched or tickled, go ahead and do it for him.


  1. Have Quickie: Every now and then, have sex just to see how fast he can be satisfied. The benefits? He can just enjoy you totally. And you get to see how powerful you really are.


  1. Talk, Do Not Keep Quiet: Don’t keep quiet when the action is going on. Talk, gibber, smile, comment, praise and moan. Just show him that you are enjoying it, your husband will love it.

enjoying while he’s doing it.

And don’t forget to use his name! Hearing his own name coming from you, when he’s amid incredible pleasure, is even more erotic because it’s so personal.

  1. Leave The Lights On: Give your husband a bit of show. Don’t switch off the lights; it’s not a work of darkness. Let him see you in full glory. Speaking of senses, don’t forget to let him see you! Try starting out by wearing something really lacy and revealing. Or leave the lights on so that he can enjoy watching you while you both make love.


  1. Date Him For Sex: Call him in the office to date him for sex tonight. Get home early, make the house ready, change the bed sheet, get blue light, get nice food, take your bath, put on nice deodorant and let the children go to bed before his arrival. Put a very sexy dress on, put on soft music and wait for him. If you do this regularly, the level of fighting will fall in your marriage. The truth is, men love sex, and your husband does too.