What Alcohol will do to Your Life


What Alcohol will do to Your Life

By: Bisi Adewale

What Alcohol will do to Your Life

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler and whoever that is led away by it, is not wise” Pro. 20:1 What Alcohol will do to Your Life What Alcohol will do to Your Life
What Alcohol will do to Your Life What Alcohol will do to Your Life
The Bible is saying here that, those who drink alcohol are fools. Sir, are you a fool? It was God that said it, not me. When are you going to become wise? If you are not foolish, what are you doing with something that makes you behave as if you are not sane? Even in the law court you are recognized as a mad man whenever you drink. As one who does not know what he is doing. BE WISE, STOP DRINKING ALCOHOLIC DRINKS.
What Alcohol will do to Your Life What Alcohol will do to Your Life
If you continue drinking, the following things will happen:

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You will lose the presence of God, and enemies will catch up with you.
You will be wasting your money on booze
You will be addicted to “bottles”.
It will cloth you with poverty and shame (Proverb 23:21)
You will be doing things you will regret later.
You will constantly fall into sexual immorality that can leads to HIV/AIDS
You will lose eternal life.
You will be beating your loving wife and may even kill her.

Stop justifying yourself, come back to God. Alcohol is alcohol even if it is one bottle, stop being foolish.

“For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty. And drowsiness will cloth a man with rags” (Pro.23:21).

Other things you must do away with if you want God in your home are: playing of pool, betting, adultery, lying, using of juju and hard drug and wife battering, e.t.c.