Husband And Strange Women -How To Protect Your Family Finance Pt 3
Husband And Strange Women -How To Protect Your Family Finance Pt 3
-Bisi Adewale
As stated in the last article, the responsibility to protect your husband solely lies on you, if you do not want devourer to have access to your family finance. I want you to know that nobody can snatch your husband without your notice. Hence, you will find the under listed factors very useful:
1. Good outlook. Endeavour to keep fit at all times. Remain in shape; don’t look like his grandma. By all means, you must strive to maintain your original look. Leaving fat to accumulate, then dragging yourself around sluggishly, just few years after your wedding, is dangerous. Remember; men are moved by what they see. Take good care of your outlook. Look nice, queenly and touchable. Your hair, teeth and dressing are part of your security in that house; take good care of them.
2. Break his wrong associations. One major thing that makes a man go astray is the kind of friends he keeps. Take time to study your husband’s friends. Find out their values, and if they are ungodly, go down on your knees to separate them from your husband. You can’t separate them by nagging, condemning or fighting your husband or his friends. You can only do this through wisdom, patience, and aggressive prayers. Remember, your husband is an adult, you can’t choose friends for him. All you have to do is to commit him into the hands of his maker.
3. Be romantic. Cultivate a romantic posture. Encourage playfulness, kissing, hugging, humour, togetherness, etc. It will be too foolish of you to discourage your husband from flirting with you. If he touches you, touch him. If he kisses you, kiss him. Romance is part of marriage; men want it, your husband wants it.
4. Be prayerful. Be on the defensive and not on the offensive in your home. Defend your home, protect your husband.
5. Give better sex. Do not be a failure in the bedroom. You must be a performer, an active partner in the bedroom, you can’t protect your husband with your bra hooked and your pant closed.
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 40 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Momments.
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Husband And Strange Women -How To Protect Your Family Finance Pt 3
Husband And Strange Women -How To Protect Your Family Finance Pt 3