WHO IS SLEEPING WITH YOUR LITTLE DAUGHTER?? Scary? Yes, Child Sexual abuse is now very rampant in our society.
Are you Protecting your Daughter and Son from sexual predators?
When Teye fell sick, it looked like any other ailment. He was 6 at that time. They kept treating him for malaria and typhoid. It was later suggested that he should be tested for HIV. He tested positive.
He eventually confessed that his two aunts, 21 and 23, who lived with them had been having sex with him for several months. The two ladies also tested HIV positive.
Surprisingly, the two ladies revealed how the boy’s father molested them when they were 12 and 14. Though the boy’s father had stopped long ago, the damage done to them made them run after any man for sex. When they couldn’t get what they wanted, they resorted to sleeping with the boy. The boy eventually died.
This story is one of the 51 stories of Child Sexual abuse victims from my new book: PROTECTING YOUR CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL ABUSE.
Release date: 24/02/2019
Get ready to get your copy to protect your Children from a paedophile.
Identify signs to know sexual predators
Signs to know if your Child is been abused.
Learn how to teach your Children about sex education.
Know Mistakes you must never make as parents
33 things you must teach your Children about sex
Practical ways to teach your children about sex
Factor that increases child sexual Abuse
33 myths about Child Sexual Abuse
Truth about Child Sexual Abuse
Long term effects of Sexual Abuse
Dangers of lack of sex education to our children
14 Ways to handle Sexual Abuse if it happens
To pre-order your copy and get another book FREE Call 08056457013, 08068312004
This book is an eye-opener to many things happening to children around us.so, be prepared to get yours!!!