-Bisi Adewale
INGREDIENTS FOR COURTSHIP-Before you can court for a peaceful marriage tomorrow, you need to lay a solid foundation for it today. (Ps. 11:3). You need to prepare adequately for it, you don’t just wake up a day and say you are in a courtship. You need to put something together before you can have a good relationship. These are what I called ingredients for courtship:
- You need to be born again. If you really want good home tomorrow, then give your life to Christ before thinking of a relationship. If you give your life to Christ, then you have committed God to your life and destiny and this is very good for your tomorrow. If you are yet to give your life to Christ, this is an opportunity for you.
–Acknowledge you are a sinner
–Confess your sins to Him
–Forsake your sin and turn to God
–Ask Him to grant you grace to satisfy Him.
–Join a Bible believing, and holiness preaching church.
–Be a lover of God.
Say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I am before you today, I am a sinner and I can not help my self, forgive me my sins, cleanse me with your precious blood, deliver me from sin and Satan, to serve the living God today. Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and my savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me, I know I am born again. (Welcome into the family of God).
- Lead a Holy Life. Don’t just give your life to Christ, live for Him. Embrace Him; run away from sin and all appearances of the devil. Lying, stealing, fornicating, bitterness, anger, lust, and so on should not be found in you.
- Pray unto God for a life partner. Tarry in the presence of God and commit your destiny into His hands. Get our book-500 PRAYER POINTS FOR SINGLES for your prayer focus.
- God’s Voice. Don’t just pray. Allow God to lead you. Allow Him to instruct and correct you. “For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14).
Don’t just go into courtship without consulting God. If you are a child of God, then let Him lead you.
Please get a copy of our book-Wisdom For Choosing A Life-Partner
To know how the Lord leads in marriage.
- Check whether you are in love. If you feel God is leading you but you do not love the person, then check yourself, God can not be wrong. It is either He is not speaking to you or you have an “idols” in your heart. Idols are standard you have laid for yourself, which this person do not meet. If you don’t have any “idol” in your heart and still do not love this person, please don’t go into such dangerous relationship. Never marry someone you do not love for any reason. Get a copy of my book- 32 WAYS TO KNOW TRUE LOVE for more on this.
- Check Character. Before you go into that relationship, please check the character of your would-be partner. If he is not of good character, never make the mistake of attaching your destiny to his.
- You must be convinced that God is leading you, that you are in love and that the person is of good character. If you are not convinced, please don’t go ahead. It is dangerous.
- Pastoral Assent. Before you go into that relationship, please consult your pastor or counsellor. Let him counsel and correct you. Let him pray about it. If there is marriage committee in your church, surrender yourself to its scrutiny. Secure its consent before you go ahead.
- Having passed through the eight stages enumerated above, brothers are expected to propose. No matter the conviction, sisters must never propose. It is not good for your integrity. Brothers should propose. Sisters should wait for proposal.
- After proposal. Sisters, having gone through the stages enumerated above should give an answer. Do not rush or delay your response. Pray and take a firm stand. Remember your life depends on your response. Be careful.
- Parental Blessing. This important action comes after the sister’s consent. Parental blessing is compulsory, even if the parents are unbelievers. Pray seriously before informing them. You can’t hide this important aspect of your life from them.
- Public Introduction. This does not mean going on radio to announce that you are in courtship. Rather, you should be proud to introduce your finance/fiancée to friends and family members without any inhibition. There is no secrecy about courtship. If you are in it, let people know. As a lady, politely tell whoever proposes to you that you are engaged.
“Doing right things; makes you the right man”
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on, 08068312004, 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:,