In money management matters, it is paramount to identify your present stand and also recognize where you should be. We have grouped couples into six categories based on their attitudes to money management.
- Wasteful Couples. (E-E). The husband and wife are two extravagant people who love merry making, partying, night crawling, expensive clothing, perfumes, big houses, and regularly eat-out. They thrive on borrowing money and are apostles of the buy-now-pay-later scheme. They live large and most times above their income. The term budget is non-existent in their homes and they are impulsive buyers. Since they constantly go on shopping spree, they have no savings.
Words for you-No‘E-E Couple’ever makes it in life. Change your lifestyle and deal with your appetite before your appetite destroys your future.
- Hot and cold couples (E-S). One party in this kind of marriage is extravagant while the other is stingy. In this kind of home, financial wars are inevitable because the extravagant partner wants to express his or herself while the stingy one wants to save money unreasonably. Result, the home is turned into a battle-field.
Words for you– Extravagance and stinginess are both unhealthy extremes. A stingy person will want to save money without meeting the needs of his family while an extravagant person will want to buy anything available. This is bad.
- Balanced Couple (E-P)- This is a union of an extravagant mate and a prudent one. When extravagance tries to take over, prudence keeps it in check. This helps to balance their marriage.
What to do- It is expedient that as an extravagant person, you must change for the good of the family, whereas, the prudent mate should continue in patience as God works on the extravagant one.
- Dry Couple. (S-S). This is a kind of marriage where both parties involved are stingy. They are so stingy that their health will suffer, house rent will not be paid, children’s school fees remain unpaid and the needs of the family are left to suffer.
What to do: All dry couples should please wake up. Money is not to be taken to heaven; it is to meet our needs on earth. Don’t be like an American man who died recently. He was not eating well, did not watch television in his house to conserve power, ate once a day, used only two Khaki suits which were more than 5 years old, patched in several places. He failed to take care of his children and his wife divorced him. He didn’t use his car because he preferred trekking long distances in a bid to save money. Everybody believed he was poor but alas, when he died, 9 million dollars was found in his bank account which he willed to his dogs. What a wasted and useless life! Don’t save money when the immediate needs of your family are unmet. That is not prudency, that is stinginess.
- Improving Couple (P-S). This is a family where one of the partners involved is prudent while the other is stingy.
What to do: The stingy partner should improve, stinginess is not the best.
- Perfect Couple (P-P). This is a marriage where both the parties involved are prudent. This is a very good set up. They operate a budget, are not stingy and they meet their immediate needs regularly. They pay their tithes, do not show-off and are not rainfall purchasers. They give generously to God, men of God and the needy. They save money and invest generously in anticipation of a fruitful future.
What to do: This is the best option any family can choose. Develop yourself to be prudent; it is good for your home.
Look in the mirror. What kind of couple are you? Anyone who falls short of the perfect couple should discuss and strategize on how to attain that height.
To get more knowledge on this topic order for the three books and learn how to make, manage and maximize money. Place your order now!
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004, Whatsaap 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog: www.bisiadewale.com, facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter @bisiadewale