When you start to get results, people will start consulting you. They will start to congratulate you, because results provoke respect. This is the most dangerous period where many people quit, thinking they have made it. Before they know it, they find themselves at the bottom of the ladder, falling from grace to grass and even from grass to the grave.
The best way to maintain your success is to add to it. if you are not accelerating, you are decelerating. Do not quit when the ovation is loudest. Press forward. Your so-called present “loudest ovation” may just be a whisper compared to what God has in stock for you. When people start clapping for you, do not move to the camp of fools by becoming proud. When Vashti, a Queen, embarrassed the King, biting the finger that fed her, before she knew it, an ordinary slave (Esther) took over her position. Do not be proud, for pride rides one into destruction.
Many tend to lose focus of their vision when results come. They go to where the Lord did not send them because of the voice of men and make a ship wreck of their destiny.
Whenever people are praising you, turn back and give glory to God. Submit all your trophies to Him. Dedicate all your laurels to Him. When people praise you, praise God. When they thank you, say “thank you Jesus”.
“Congratulations” is not the end of a success. Rather, it is the beginning of another greater challenge. It is like when people congratulate you after the birth of a new baby. They are not telling you that you have made it. They are only telling you, you have a greater task, the baby still needs to be catered for. To maintain your success, you don’t go to bed after a victory. You have to move from victory to victory and glory to glory.
Aim higher and look higher. Think greater thoughts. Pray the more. Think the more. Praise God, work and plan new strategies. Nobody wins the war by sleeping after the first battle. You need to fight battles before you win the war.
Please always remember that there is time to do something. There is time to do everything, but there is no time to do nothing. Success is not a raw material neither a finished good; it is a work-in-progress. Therefore, don’t wait to celebrate it. Great men celebrate their work not their success. Press on. Do not look back. The road to success is too crowded. Multitudes are on the way. Walking quickly and struggling. Woe-betide him that wait, stop or look back.
Be always drunk for more success.
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on, 08068312004, Whatsaap 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:, @bisiadewale