Spirit Spouse – Effect Of Spirit Spouses

Spirit Spouse – Effect Of Spirit Spouses

Spirit Spouse – Effect Of Spirit Spouses

-Bisi Adewale
Spirit husbands and wives are major reasons why many christians are still finding it difficult to get life partners. Unfortunately most christians are still ignorant of the menace of these devilish creatures.
Effects of Spirit Spouses
1.They can make you hate the opposite sex.
2.They make many beautiful ladies look ugly to those interested in marrying them.
3.The can cause mouth or body odour.
4. Aversion for marriage
5. Constant broken courtships
6. They can make some men fidgety when proposing to ladies thus, making them perpetual bachelors.
7. They can also cause bad marriage, miscarriages and barrenness.
8. Nightmares and sexual intercourse in the dream are also carried out by them.
9. Hatred of one’s spouse’s is often caused by them.
10. Desire to sleep with another person aside from one’s spouse can be traced to them.
11. Chronic gynecological problems may be related to them.
12. Frigidity and impotency, etc.
Spirit husband/wives are demonic powers that oppress human being and they must not be taken lightly. We must fight them with the power of the Holy Ghost.

Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 40 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Momments.
Get daily lesson and teaching and articles from his blog: bisiadewale.com and You can also get his resources and also send a mail to familybooster01@yahoo.com. Visit https://bisiadewale.com for daily updating!

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Spirit Spouse – Effect Of Spirit Spouses