Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15

Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15
Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15

Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15


2 Peter 1:3-4, Job 5:2-3, 8-12

  1. Almighty God, thank you for your mercy that has helped and kept me this far
  2. Oh Lord, implant in me better character that builds godly home.
  3. Every negative belief system working against my marriage; be destroyed in Jesus name.
  4. Oh Lord my father, I come against every hostile attitude programmed in me to destroy my marriage in Jesus name.
  5. Every dirty attitude repulsing favour from my husband, I renounce them in Jesus name.
  6. I receive grace to be proactive but not to over-react as against any challenges in my marriage.
  7. Holy Ghost, take me to the potter’s house, pull me down and remold me in Jesus name.
  8. I paralyze every power working against peace in my marriage in Jesus name
  9. Every evil seed my environment has sown into me, I uproot them in Jesus name.
  10. Every spirit of hatred working against my marriage, fire of the Lord consume you in Jesus name.
  11. Every demon, by whatever name you are called; standing against my home, fire of the Lord destroy now in Jesus name.
  12. Fire of Holy Ghost, locate the dark portion of my family in Jesus name.
  13. I separate myself from every wrong association that inflicts negative character in me.
  14. Oh Lord, break me and rebuild me so I can see the need to embrace change in life.
  15. Spirit of malice, stubbornness, laziness, idleness and procrastination; be destroyed you in Jesus name.
READ ALSO:  Secret of Winning Your Husband Over From Strange Women


For more on this Join us For Breakthrough for singles and married

Date: 24th of September 2017

Venue: The Real Place 3 Afisman Drive, Anifowoshe Ikeja, Lagos. by 2pm


Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting - Day 15
Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15



Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15

Family booster Ministry 30 days prayer and fasting – Day 15