7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
Bisi Adewale
7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
COOPERATIVE PARENTING: At this stage, total or semi total parenting must have ended as the child becomes a teenager.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
The best way to parent a child that is 13 years old up to 19 years is by cooperation, that is to say we cooperate with the child to train him up. We have to stop dictating like we use to do when the child was a toddler and preteen.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
One major reason why there is always a running battle between parents and teenage children is because our parenting style is still total parenting when the children deserve cooperative parenting. The truth is, you cannot handle a 15 year old like a 5 year old and not expect trouble in the process.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
Truly, you are the one that gave birth to the child, even nurture him or her to become what he or she is today, but life is not like that, your child need to grow up and part of his or her growing up is to become independent minded as he strive to stand on his her own to become somebody in life.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
1: Stop dictating to your child, always seek his/her opinion before taking final decision on anything that affect the child.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
2: Stop behaving as mister know all, the time you know everything more than your child is over, the Child as caught up with you in some areas and even by passed you, so learn from your child, be humble enough to do this.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
3: Stop behaving like a military sergeant, your child needs a friend and a leader, not a dictator or commander.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
4: Don’t ever choose university and course of study for your child without consulting the Child for his or her opinion. You’ve exhausted your privilege to choose schools by choosing the crèche, nursery, primary and secondary schools the child attended during total and semi total parenting, now you must not do it alone.
5: Spanking supposes to be stopped or at least reduced to the minimum.
6: Mothers should stop dressing up in the presence of teenage or preteen boys, while daddy should not dress up in the presence of the girls.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
7: Stop shouting, these children are not deaf.
1: Make the child your friend.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting
2: Seek the opinion of the child on things that affect the family.
3: Correct and chastise in love.
4: Encourage the child to bring his or friends home.
5: Pray regularly together with the child.7 Things You Must Stop Doing At Cooperative Parenting