5 Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

How To Enjoy Real Pleasure Of Sex
How To Enjoy Real Pleasure Of Sex

5 Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

Bisi Adewle

Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

Arousing each other sexually involves the “total man”, the body, soul and spirit. Thus you must be ready to get involved in arousal stage, which includes:

  1. Permanent mind setting: Setting your mind to enjoy sex and giving pleasure to your spouse should be the ultimate goal. Focus on him/her, your thought should be to give the best to your spouse and to savour his/her touches as your spouse “visit” your “red zones”
  2. Playfulness: Don’t be too “serious” in the bedroom, no executive sex, no master–servant relationship. Forget about who the head of the family is and who is to submit to who; drop your ego. Be naked and not ashamed, be playful. Wives, don’t be forced to touch the penis of your husband do so as a sense of duty; touch it playfully, frolic with it as junior will do its doll, make it an adult’s toy. What about the breast? The man should play with it and relax together, don’t be rigid. Play with each other, beat each other jokingly, come to the same level. Your position in the office notwithstanding.
  3. Attention to each other: Give attention to satisfying your mate, as your mate try to do the same, both of you will become satisfied in the bedroom.
  4. Loss of the world: Forget about any other thing. Forget about the sick baby, that Lord has healed him/her. Forget about the kitchen, statement of account, school fees, etc. Lose sight of the world; be in your own world for the work at hand. Create your world; be alone in your Garden and work at it like in Eden.
  5. Attention to each other’s erogenous zone: My good friend and author of ‘Wisdom For Couples’, Pastor Adewale Sadiq said “foreplay should be treated as the commandment of Jesus on Evangelism that, it should start from Jerusalem, to Judea to Samaria and to the uttermost part of the world”. I perfectly agree with him, most men, do want to start their “evangelism” from the uttermost part of the world (the genital) instead of starting from “Jerusalem” which are the steaming erogenous zones. Give attention to each other sensitive areas, communicate freely. You cannot go wrong.
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Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

5 Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

5 Ways to Arouse Your Spouse For More Sex

Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004, 08051512823, BB Channel: C0032D398, Blog:  www.bisiadewale.comWebsite:www.familybooster.com  facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter@bisiadewale