Bisi Adewale  


Young couples do make some very silly mistakes that do destroy their marriage or make the journey very difficult, you need to know them and avoid them like a plaque to avoid falling into the errors of others. I will mention some of them here:


  1. Not putting God first: Most of the times, singles have a good rapport with God as they seek His face before choosing whom to marry and during wedding preparation, putting Him first in all things. But once many gets married, they relegated God to the background not having enough time to pray or study the Bible together as a couple. Some often allow pregnancy, care of children, domestic chores and job demand to affect their relationship with God.

The point of choosing a life-partner should not be an end to your relationship with God, you need God in the character of your spouse, finances, pregnancy, delivery, protection, continuous affection, spiritual warfare, business, career, sound health and every aspect of your marriage. Form the habit of putting God first in all things because you need the mind of Christ to stay married joyfully. 

READ ALSO:  3 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Married


  1. Not giving room to learn about marriage: If marriage must remain green, continuous learning is the key. Many young couples don’t know that it takes knowledge to make a marriage work and to build a good home. Add knowledge to knowledge by attending marriage conferences, couples programs and reading quality marriage and parenting books. The more you learn about marriage the better your marriage becomes.


  1. Not giving room to learn about spouse: Another silly mistake of young couples is not learning about the spouse he /she married. Wake up to the fact that you married a different gender. A man is different from a woman in numerous ways and if you are not aware of these differences, there will be a lot of things to fight about. Stop being judgmental, take time to know about the opposite sex and be patient to study the true nature of your spouse.


  1. Disrespecting each other: Respect keep sanity in marriage but once disrespect becomes an order of the day between husband and wife, their marriage will move from a love garden to a boxing ring. Regardless of your age difference, respect one another and your home will be peaceful.


  1. Seeing each other as enemies: When couples begin to see each other as enemies, their marriage will arrive at the realm of irreconcilable differences which will take the marriage to its early grave. No matter the conflict in your marriage, never view each other as enemies, but as a team. Companions and not combatants.


  1. Thinking they mis-married: The mind is the laboratory where good or bad marriage is processed.

Thinking you mis-married will make you lose interest in the union and be finding an escape route out of your marriage. Stop thinking negatively, think right! You married right, your present challenges only reveals that your marriage required more efforts to work.


  1. Keeping friends of the opposite sex: Having much opposite sex as friends in your marriage will leave room for suspicion and extra-marital affairs. Since you are married, give a gap to all your friends of the opposite sex and stick to your spouse. Avoid calling and chatting with them regularly. Avoid sharing intimate issues with them.


© Bisi Adewale