Television and Marriage


Television and Marriage

-Bisi Adewale

Television and Marriage

Television has become part of our modern day life; it is a wanted feature in the sitting room of virtually any modern day family.
It comes in different sizes and shapes and could be very expensive. Television is good, informative, educative and entertaining.

With 24 hours service of most television station and hundreds of cable channels available, entertainment tends to be unlimited. The television comprises of programs covering almost all aspect of life.

But as good as television is to the family, parents needs to understand the fact that there is danger in ceaseless and uncensored viewing of television at home.

Television can be a very great enemy of intimacy in marriage. It is important to note that most couples hardly have time to talk together any longer.

Statistics shows that most husbands are drawn towards news, sport, music and crime channels while the wives focus their attention to fashion and movie channels; thereby spending nothing less than six hours watching television daily.


Couples should learn to curtail the number of hours they spent watching television. This could be done by viewing specific program together. parents needs to understand the fact that there is danger in ceaseless and uncensored viewing of television at home

Parents should watch out and keep an eye on what their children are watching on television. Educate them also on what to watch and what not to watch as television as contribute in no small measure to the level of moral decadence and juvenile delinquencies in the family. Television should be informative, never allow it to deform your home.

Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, an international conference speaker, author of more than 70 books on marriage and family life, host of family T.V. program called Family Booster.

Television and Marriage

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