Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 62 ) MARRIAGE IS A UNION OF TWO FORGIVERS PART


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That is who he is, he did the same thing when we were courting, I forgave. His mother never loved me but I still carried on, took care of her till her demise and now this, ahhh Daddy I won’t spare him this time, Mrs Akere lamented

Please let her go Baba, the husband protested. Is it my fault? She kept complaining about me as if she’s a saint. When she reported me to her friends and it became an issue I let it go. The day she abused my family even when they didn’t offend her, I didn’t make a big deal out of it, i forgave her.

Ruth Bell Graham said, “A happy marriage is a union of two good forgivers” That is very true and if you really want your home to be heaven on earth, you must not keep any record of offence.

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As couples, you must be ready to practice advance forgiveness. It means before your spouse offends you, you have forgiven and you don’t make reference to it in the future.

A lot of marriages have been destroyed because of unforgiveness. Husbands and wives living like just roommates without any deep connection because of offence. Be intentional about your marriage and be ready to do away with the unforgiving spirit.

Matthew 6:14-15 says

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

So, do you want God to forgive you your sins? Then, forgive your spouse and forget.

Now, say this severally ‘I forgive my spouse from the bottom of my heart, I choose to love my dear partner. I choose not to keep the record of offence because my spouse is my portion.’

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