Bisi Adewale

My mother used to say this, ‘’Don’t hide behind a finger because the finger can not even hide your nose’’
Unfortunately, many people are hiding behind Fingers, not knowing that nothing is hidden in life. Let me illustrate this with two stories:

As a rule, I don’t give a free ride to any lady if I am the one driving my self and alone in the car, this policy has saved me on many occasions, preventing unnecessary affinity, scandals or rumours.

I’ve been following this self-set rule for years until this particular day in 2008, I was driving to the office in the morning and it was about to rain heavily, the rain was already dropping and we knew it will be very heavy because it was making a lot of noises. You know that kind of rain that will first do some serious ‘Sakara’ before it starts to fall.

Many people were on the road trying to run away from the rain or get a vehicle to board but maybe commercial vehicles decided to run away from the rain too, so many people were left stranded, they were all begging to be helped.

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As I drove past them there was this particular lady that seems to be in distressed, she was practically on her knees begging for a ride. I did not know the time I stopped and beckoned on her to come in, she sat beside me and we drove off. I did not say a word to her, I just focused on driving in the rain, I can’t even recognize her.

After about an hour, we got to where she will like to drop, it was still raining heavily, so I moved closer to the bus stop shed and dropped her. When she dropped from the car, she looked at me and said ‘’thank you so much Pastor Bisi Adewale you save me today, I appreciate you sir’’ she locked the car door and left. I was left totally confused, so she knew me, what if I have tried to ‘’toast her’’ or try to woo her for sexual activities like some men do, who is she? Have I ever met her? Will I ever meet her again for her to explain?.

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A promiscuous pastor went to a very far place to get a prostitute, he travelled several hours to get to another town where he knew nobody will ever know him. He paid the hotel to get him a lady and paid for her service.

When the lady arrived he greeted her:

Pastor: oh babe how are you
The Lady: ‘’Victory, Victory in Glorious package in my life this year and forevermore, I am a Champion’’

The Pastor became cold and confused because that was the slogan he gave to his church members for the year, you couldn’t have known that if you are not a member of his local assembly. The lady later told him she is a member of his church and that she always travel this far to do her prostitution business, so that nobody in the church or where she stays will know what she does. Both the pastor and his immoral member could not sleep together that night because of shame.


The truth of life is you can hide, but you can’t hide forever, your finger can never shelter you, not even for your nose, so don’t bother.

Stop hiding in the darkness to sin, you see, the eyes of God can see clearly even into the darkest night and what you think you are doing in the secret is already been shown on the live Television, so stop hiding, stop that secret sexual relationship before it destroys you and your marriage, repent and return to the lord. May the seeds of righteousness germinate in you.
