Bisi Adewale
Transparency is very useful in any human relationship,it even becomes more useful when it happen in intimate relationships like marriage.WONDERS OF TRANSPARENCY MARRIAGE
Lets takeout time to study benefits of transparency in marriage,you will then see reasons to be transparent to your own spouse.WONDERS OF TRANSPARENCY MARRIAGE
A. Transparency builds trust: Somebody said “transparency is the mother of trust,no openness,no trust” he added. This is the whole truth,don’t just pray for trust in your marriage,trust don’t answer to prayer just be open to each other; trust will be the end result.
B. Love: It is possible to trust somebody you don’t really love if he has proven himself in that kind of situation before, but it is difficult to love somebody you don’t trust. Trust do barred love in Marriage.WONDERS OF TRANSPARENCY MARRIAGE
C. Eliminates conflict: When there is openness and transparency; conflict will be reduced to the barest minimum at home.WONDERS OF TRANSPARENCY MARRIAGE
D. Breeds joy: Two people in marriage who knows they are not been deceived are always happy with each other and do have joy in themselves,because nobody love been deceived,everybody love been celebrated,love and been handled with sincerity,honesty and truth.
E. Makes two hearts to beat as one: Transparency is the secret Behind real intimacy in marriage.Somebody defined intimacy as IN-TO-ME-SEE, how can this happen without transparency? For your marriage to go beyond wedding into BONDING; be transparent in your marriage.Wedding is the joining of hands at the altar on your wedding day,bonding comes by joining your hearts all the days of your marriage to your spouse.
E. Leads to easy agreement : Transparent couple easily agree with each other .They do find it easy to understand each other since both of them are sincere with each other.
F. Leads to better result in Marriage: Better results, promotion and synergy is known to be part of marriages where people involve are transparent.
G. Builds mutual respect: When there is transparency in marriage, it do help to build mutual respect between husband and wife.It is very easy for a woman to respect a man she can trust and rely upon him than for her to trust a man that is not reliable or dependable.WONDERS OF TRANSPARENCY MARRIAGE
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004,08051512823,BB:2AF5C883, Blog: www.bisiadewale.com, Website:www.familybooster.com facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter@bisiadewale