Wonders of Plus – Plus Marriage


Wonders of Plus
Bisi Adewale

There are basically three kind of marriage if we classify them based on character, habits and behaviours; they are:

1. Minus-Minus Marriage. A marriage where both the man and the woman involved in it are of bad or wicked character. The man may be terrible while his wife is horrible. The man may be hot while the wife is time bomb. In this kind of marriage the man may be bossy and cocky while the wife is stubborn and hard. Most minus-minus marriage ends up in divorce while very few of the minus-minus couples that remain together without separating live together in strife, bitterness and resentment. They lives in their home as if in the battle field, their character is always at their worst, high level of carnality and work of the flesh is always at its full gear in this kind of marriage.

2. Plus-Minus Marriage. This kind of marriage involved one of the parties involved having good character while the other party is of a bad character. While once party is pulling down the marriage, the other party is doing everything to stabilize it. In this kind of marriage, the good partner is always at the receiving end of the evil habits of his/her partner. I met a couple some years back; the wife is a godly, dutiful, virtuous, respectful woman but her husband a very wicked man, very terrible and ill manner. He is a drunk with all manners of bad attitude associated with heavy use of alcohol. But still this godly woman stood by her difficult husband, praying to God to touch her, while she handles him with patience and godly wisdom. One problem with plus-minus marriage is, the minus partner can draw his/her good partner into bad character as he/she got fed up with the attitude of the bad partner. A good example of plus –minus marriage is the marriage between Abigail and Nabal in the Bible.

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3. Plus-Plus Marriage. This is the kind of marriage where both the man/woman involved in the marriage are of good character or are committed to developing themselves and change bad ones. A plus-plus marriage gives joy to the people involved and glorifies God. In this kind of marriage, it is not that couples are not offending each other, they do. But they handle offence wisely and carefully. They are committed to forgiveness, communication and reconciliation. Plus-plus marriage are not extraordinary couple, they are everyday couples who are committed to their marriages and to each other. They are patience with each other’s mistakes knowing that none of them is perfect. To become a plus partner, you need to acquire necessary wisdom about marriage and family. You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, be controlled by Him and demonstrate fruits of the spirit. You also need to know your weaknesses and work on them, while recognizing the weaknesses of your spouse and placing a demand on him or her to change or trying to change him or her. It takes two plus-plus partners to grow a plus-plus marriage hence as you are growing keep on praying for your partner and do everything to bring out the best in him or her.


Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.

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