This article is the continuation of 8 ways to win your wife.
9.MASSAGE HER BODY: Women love to be touched.All the parts of the body of a woman are sensitive to touch.Passionate touch make them relax,feel loved.It brings emotional healing and it stimulates them towards sexual readiness. Make it a hobby to always massage your wife on a daily basis and you will see that she enjoys it. You can also make use of massage oil(Song of Solomon 7: 7-8).
10.TALK TO HER: Do you really want to get to the heart of your spouse?If yes,be her talking companion.Women love to gist.They can’t stop talking.If you must matter in her heart,you must create time to talk to her and also give a listening hear. If you always shut her down when she wants to speak with you,you have succeeded in knocking yourself out of her heart.
11. LISTEN ATTENTIVELY TO HER: Communication is not effective without good listening ability. Since it is in the nature of women to talk, men in their lives must turn on their listening instinct.Never see your wife as a talkative; let her express herself to you. Listen to whatever she has to say. She is not a talkative; she is only being expressive to the lover of her life.Switch off the TV,Phone and i-Pad,close the newspaper to give her rapt attention (Ephesians 5: 26).
12. APPRECIATE HER LOOKS: Most men talk glowingly about the dressing and looks of their wives before wedding, only to become a lizard in marriage saying nothing about the looks of their wives.
The looks of a woman is paramount to her heart; when you commend her looks, you touch her heart. Never ignore her looks. Say something positive about her stature, hair-do,face and her dressing before she steps out. Women love anyone that appreciates their looks. Praise her; be the man(1 Peter 3: 17).
13.APPRECIATE HER COOKING: Don’t just enjoy her good food, say that you do so. Cooking regularly is not an easy task. Appreciation always releases a soothing balm in the heart of every woman. Unfortunately, most men complain only when the meal is tasteless but say nothing when the food is delicious. This is wrong. Always appreciate your wife’s cooking and she will be happy with you(Colossians 3: 19).
14. BE FAITHFUL TO HER: One of the major things a woman craves for from her husband is faithfulness. No matter how you spend on your wife,once you are caught in extra-marital affairs,she will detest you.Sexual immorality kills trust and it can cause sexually transmitted infections(STI),HIV/AIDS or untimely death. Stick to your wife alone and she will be glad she married you (Proverbs 6: 33).
15.TELL HER YOU LOVE HER: To women, love must not just be in the heart,it must be verbalized. Women want assurance and reassurance that you still love them and one of the best ways to do that is to say I love you to her often. Open your mouth and tell her I love you, write it as a note,mail it and send it as a text message to her(Colossians 3: 19).
16.PLAY WITH HER: Don’t just be a married man like a traditional husband, be a lover boy. A lover boy plays with his wife because she enjoys it. Women are like children; they love to be played with. Stop coming back home like an executive husband with a stone face. Relax, smile and play with your wife. Play games together, stroll out together, jog together and do pillow games together. Play with her and she will respond like a lover girl(Song of Solomon 7:11).