Bisi Adewale
There are different kinds of transparency in marriage, we need to study them and go for the best form of transparency in our marriage. TYPES OF TRANSPARENCY IN MARRIAGE
1. Zero transparency : This is where there is no transparency at all in the home. Rather, the marriage is full of “dark rooms”,secrecy,lies,pretence,deceits and cover-ups.
Zero transparency is known to produce very difficult marriages and tense homes.It is always marriage at the worst level. TYPES OF TRANSPARENCY IN MARRIAGE
2.Half Transparency: This is when couples are transparent to each other in some areas but not in every area. Some couples are transparent in the area of sex but have Zero transparency in the area of money. Couple will always fight,have conflict,distrust and misunderstanding in the area where they have things to hide from one another. TYPES OF TRANSPARENCY IN MARRIAGE
3.One- sided transparency: Transparency is one -sided in marriage if it is only one of the couple that is transparent while the other partner is not.
Marriage in this kind of mode will also be difficult on the long run except if the defaulting partner change. TYPES OF TRANSPARENCY IN MARRIAGE
4.Total Transparency: This is when husband and wife are totally open to each other spirit soul and body,revealing and sharing their past,present and plans for the future.Walking together in love and trust,building each other up in every areas of life; helping each other to grow into the likeness of Christ. Thereby, building good homes and marriages and making each other happy all the days of their lives together. TYPES OF TRANSPARENCY IN MARRIAGE
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on familybooster@gmail.com, 08068312004,08051512823,BB:2AF5C883, Blog: www.bisiadewale.com, Website:www.familybooster.com facebook.com/PastorBisiAdewale.Twitter@bisiadewale