By O.D Oluwasegun

the price of an unconfessed sin

Last  Episode
Bode came back from Lagos on Saturday. He passed two
nights in our house.
He was so surprised at how he was warmly received by my
parents and siblings.
He really didn’t give me the details, but I knew he gave Pastor
the full gist.
With time, my dad became a loving dad to Bode.
They were always talking of each other.
Bode’s 21st birthday met him in Lagos, and according to him,
my family marked it for him in a little way, which he really
He proposed to me, but I turned it down immediately. Not
because I didn’t have feelings for him, but because of the age
When I told mummy about it, her reply surprised me.”Go and
pray about it my dear. Whatever God ask you to do, do it..but
about the issue of age difference, it has no meaning.”
“But….Ma, even if God comes down to tell me to marry
him, I don’t think I can. How can I marry someone I’m 4years
older than?. He’s just 21 and I’m 25.”
She laughed and said “Is there anywhere it is written in the
bible that husband must be older than his wife?.The bible only
says that wives should be submissive to their own husbands, and as
a result of that, we have programmed it in our minds that the
only person we could be submissive to, must be someone
older than us. For your information, I’m 3years older than my
husband. If I didn’t tell you now, how would you know?.Go and pray
my dear, and let God’s will be done”.
I prayed and didn’t have any restriction in my spirit.
I told my Pastor about it and they prayed for us.
My parents also agreed with the union and we got married at
Ikeja Registry in December, after which we went for
marriage blessings at my parents’ church.
I had a bouncing baby boy on the 17th of January, named
Anuoluwapo (Meaning God’ is mercy is sufficient). I decided to
stay with the Williams until I had the baby.
When Bode graduated from school, my dad connected him
with one of his friends who employed him in his company.
With time, he became the manager of the company, and we’ve been
doing fine since.
We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last
February, and up till now, I’m still trusting God for another
Sometimes in my thought, I would imagine what would have
happened if I had aborted Anuoluwapo pregnancy.
I would have thought I couldn’t have another child due to the
abortion. I would never recover from the guilt.
Also, I would have remained barren up till now, not having
any child at all.
I would have been a hindrance to Bode’s destiny.
Lastly, I would have attracted the wrath of God upon myself
in a big way.
Looking at Anuoluwapo, who is Bode’s carbon copy, he has the gift
of singing and playing instruments. He had been composing his
own songs since age 5, there is no sentence he can’t bring out a
song from, just say it, and he would turn it to a song. And by
now, he’s becoming a Guru in playing keyboard.
I have no doubt God will still bless me with more children, He
had assured me of that, and I know He would never fail.
My brethren, please let us learn from this story. It doesn’t matter
how tough what you are going through is, one day, an end shall
come to it.
Even, if you have missed it in life, there is still Somebody you can
turn to, He Is The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:6). He will
surely show you the way out if you allow Him to lead you. Never cover
your sin with another sin. If you do, you are only sitting on a time
bomb, it will explode sooner than expected.
Are you in this kind of situation? Planning to terminate that pregnancy or still engaging in pre-marital sex. God loves you and want you to repent. ‘’ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’’ 1John 1:9.


Remember the “PRICE OF AN UNCONFESSED SIN”  is DEATH. ‘’ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. And as you decide to follow the path of righteousness from today by confessing your sins and accepting Christ into your life, may your name be remove from the book of death and be written in the book of life in Jesus name.

Watchout for the next True Life Story titled THE PAINS OF A LONELY HEART lonely heart2.

Thanks for reading, Remain blessed