That AGE in marriAGE
That AGE in marriAGE
By Bisi Oludare
Marriage isn’t a destination but a journey of a lifetime and because of its sensitivity, utmost care is needed before saying yes to any man or as a man before taking any woman to the altar so that you don’t end up messing up the institution and altering God’s plan for your life.
There are a lots of factors that make people especially ladies rush into marriage, forgetting no one will stay in that marriage with them. When you rush into marriage without knowledge on how God designed it and how to make it work, you will surely rush out in no time. If a together forever Marriage is your wish, then patience is needed not minding your age or the pressure being mounted on you by Families and friends.
Taking a critical look at the word marriAGE, one will notice it even has AGE in it which depicts maturity.This is very important in AGE and other factors embedded in the AGE. Let’s look at what the acronym AGE in marriage means.
That AGE in marriAGE
ACHIEVEMENT is talking about what you’ve gained in life, what level are you, what have you done for yourself that’s worthy of note and who are you modeling after? Before you can achieve anything great in life, you must have people (great achievers) that have been mentoring you on how to handle Achievements and grow in line with your vision.
GROWTH- this is very important, some people become relaxed after a level or phase of achievement which makes them end up retarded in life. If you are satisfied with your level, you can never grow in life. You must strive to get better because complacency is an enemy of growth.
What about spiritual growth or you are just stagnant?
EXPERIENCE- are you experienced in anything? As a man or woman, are you a polymath? Can you even multi-task as a lady or you grumble when you have many things to do? Experience is gotten form periods of learning, so, before you think of marriage; find a family you can be of service to and learn to gather good experience. You must know how to treat your spouse, have experience on child bearing, reading and training. Know how to handle money, manage conflict, handle in-laws and other things in marriage.
Therefore, as you are thinking about your AGE – that number on the calendar. Are you aware of the real AGE – ACHIEVEMENT, GROWTH & EXPERIENCE which is the real thing?
That AGE in marriAGE