Money and Marriage Master Class Lesson 23
Have you ever searched out the underlying reason behind your purchases? After most purchases, people encounter the buyer’s guilt which arises once the excitement of buying an item has gone down. The misconception that procuring an item will make one happy heightens the depressions they feel once they are all alone as the thoughts that we have overpaid just makes matter worse. Asking the appropriate questions help us avoid wastage that are offshoots of unnecessary purchases we often make.
In this article, we will analyze the good and bad reasons people make purchases:
- Because they have money: When money is available anywhere, it saturates the environment with a force to spend it. Weak people who cannot overcome the power of money easily fall preys as rainfall spenders. They buy things because they have the money not because they need them. Anyone with this kind of weaknesses will eventually destroy his or her family’s finance.
- Other people are buying: Low self-esteem or and senseless drive to even the score with neighbors or perceived enemies push some people into what I termed “community purchases”. A low self-esteem couple with envy and foolishness push people into doing just anything to get money. People who make purchases because others are doing so are building a tombstone for their family finance.
- To feel good: Another indicator of low self-esteem occurs when people draw their worth from purchases they make. Many people buy things they don’t really need simply because it makes them feel good about themselves. These people are found in the forefront of those who run after the latest products in town. Ignoring the sense found in buying only what you need, the strive to meet up with the Joneses by overdoing it.
- They were persuaded: Recommendations of a product or simply an effective sales person catch people in this category. Recently, I received a sales letter from an organization that promised me I could save 1600 by purchasing their product. What an irony! How can you save money by spending it? In the media world, it is a known fact that that there is a category of people who can be made to buy any product once the right advertisement is utilized. Most of those in charge of the copy letter have not even used the product, yet, gullible buyers are made to buy things they don’t need or may not be useful to them.
- They Just Like Buying: It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that some people are addicted to making purchases or are spontaneous buyers. Shopping to some people is more of a hobby than work. The impulse purchases that make is not based on what they have. They would rather borrow to buy something that appeal to them than allow it pass. No one with this attitude escapes regret later in life.
- Buying now and Pay Later Campaign: Many merchants are using this system to get people into their trap. The thrill of making purchases is never present when debt stares you in the face. There is no wisdom in buying something you can’t ordinarily afford, and then spend the next couple of years paying back in installments. It is pure foolishness and aggravated madness.
To get more knowledge on this topic order for the three books and learn how to make, manage and maximize money. Place your order now
Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on, 08068312004, 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:,