Your Mother-in-law Is Not The Problem
-Bisi Adewale
Listen to me Gbade, your mother cannot come to this house and be the one dictating how I will be running my home. It is high time you took her back to the village; she is choking life out of me in this house.
She should allow me enjoy my husband and my home too now. I have had enough of her please, I have tried my best to a good daughter-in-law but she is a pain in my neck.
That’s Gbade’s wife complaining bitterly about her husband’s mother
But darling what did Mummy do again, she is your mother too and you shouldn’t be talking about her like this. I have fully accepted every member of your family as mine even long before we got married, why can’t you just love my own the way you said you love me? Gbade calmly replied
Dear Wife, Can I be sincere with you? First, your husband’s mother is your mother and you must address her as such. Though she could be terrible,
dwelling with her with wisdom will help you survive in that home and put you in your husband’s good record?
Your husband might be the gentle type that doesn’t like trouble but believe me no man loves it when his mother is being disrespected.
His Mum will not be in your house forever; she will leave one day. Pending that time, let her enjoy her stay. Tolerance is needed and you will enjoy her.
Think about this, if it is your mother will you send her packing, will you talk to her in this manner? Please safeguard your home and retain your slot in your husband’s heart by genuinely caring for his mother.