How to Live well Financially Pt 1
How to Live well Financially Pt 1
– Bisi Adewale
On the planet today are three kinds of people, this include:
? People in debt
? People “at even”
? People at surplus.
People in debt are the people that are owning some amount of money. They may be owning individual, organizations or banks.
People at even are the set of people who do not owe anybody but also lack savings, it is a proverbial case of make 50 and spend 50.
The third set of people are the people at surplus, they are not owning but have wealth, savings, properties; they can afford not to work for months because they have a solid ‘reserve’.
The first set of people I call ‘D grade’, the second set of people I call ‘M’ (Mediocrity) grade while the third people are the ‘A Grade’; people of distinction, people of tomorrow.
Which grade are you? Grade ‘A’, ‘D’, or ‘M? Whichever grade you find yourself depends on the kind of life you are living. Just the way we have three kind of grades, we also have three kind of ‘lives’, the way you live, will determine your grade, your grade determines how well you will live and what the future holds for you.
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.
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How to Live well Financially Pt 1