Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 52) GETTING READY FOR MARRIAGE -Part 1


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When Tara and Chucks submitted their wedding budget to Tara’s Grandfather, they did everything to impress him.


Shoes from Italy, gown from UK, suits from US, they also planned to get the best event planners, photographers, videographer, Makeup artist and others.


The Budget runs into millions of Naira. They knew the grandfather will not have problems with their budget being a very rich man, a director of many companies and former chairman of a Bank.


After a long look at the budget, he picked his eye glasses, picked a Pen and wrote on the paper, great wedding budget, but where is the Marriage budget?


You planned to buy shoes, bags and many other things. But there’s no plan to buy any marriage books; CDs; DVDs, no budget for pre-marital training, no plan to see a mentor and no plan to attend a marriage school.

READ ALSO:  Family Lifeline With Bisi Adewale (episode 41) LEARN TO SERVICE YOUR MARRIAGE


You are spending this much for a ceremony, while you neglect the real deal which is your marriage.

He asked them to come back when they have adequate training plans for their marriage after which he will support and even sponsor their wedding.



Many of us are like Tara and Chucks spending all the time preparing for wedding but make no plans for the marriage. Lack of adequate preparation is the real killer of marriages today.


Please, do not enter a marriage without adequate preparation. You need to read the right books, attend quality Marriage seminars, listen to messages, have a Marriage mentor, attend premarital training and not just pre-marital counselling Attend a Marriage School. Don’t just prepare to be a bride or a groom, prepare to be a great wife and an exceptional husband.

The reception will end, wedding guests will go, the dancing will end, honey moon will end and the reality will dawn on you.

READ ALSO:  Family lifeline With Pastor Bisi Adewale (Episode 15) THERE IS A DAY AFTER WEDDING -Part 1

Ignorance is the real killer of marriages not the devil; learn about marriage before you go into it, because there is a day after wedding, it’s called Marriage.