Family Finance: Understanding True Wealth in Family


Family Finance: Understanding True Wealth in Family
Pastor Bisi Adewale

Wealth is deeper than what people are taking it to be. It is not just about money or the number of cars in your garage, it is by far deeper and greater than that. We need to examine this deeply and learn how to become truly wealthy in our families.
What wealth is?
1. Good Health. Health is said to be wealth. Nobody is truly rich if his/her health is not okay. That is why you MUST not allow your health to be destroyed in the name of looking for wealth, No! Health is priceless. Always create time to rest and relax. It is dangerous to live on the fast lane of life because of wealth. Never use your health to look for wealth, for you will later use your wealth to look for it, that is if you are still fortunate to keep your breath. Jesus even told His disciples, “Come ye yourselves apart and rest a while”. (Mark 6:31).
The truth is, if you don’t learn to rest; your life will soon be under “arrest”. So, work well, live, eat, exercise your body and rest adequately. Good health is true wealth.
2. Peace of Mind. You are not wealthy if you lack peace of mind, no matter the amount of money you have in your accounts; if you cannot live without fear; that means you are not living indeed.
3. Knowledge and Skill. Acquire knowledge and develop your skills. Knowledge is not just powerful; it is true wealth. Your real worth is your knowledge that is why employers of labour pay more to skillful workers compare to what they pay to unskilled workers. Never remain stagnant, add to yourself. Know your trade inside-out. Information is light, information is wealth, pay any price to get it, make other’s people bus stop your starting point; that is what is called wealth. Mike Murdock said, “Information is the difference between your present and your future”. While Charles Jones said, “A year from today, you will remain the same man you are today except for the people you meet and the book you read”. Knowledge, skill, information are the differences between success and failure. “You can’t fail skillfully” so says a wise man; “dexterity is the mother of prosperity” he included. How much do you know? Know more; improve yourself; lest you become outdated and obsolete. Always remember that “If you are not current; you are not correct”.
4. Credibility. Your prosperity is nothing if your integrity is bankrupt. Don’t tell us you are wealthy if you have a ‘stinking name’. One Egyptians proverbs states: “Wealth which comes in at the back door unjustly goes out through the window, while one Irish proverb also states that, “He who lives without discipline dies without honour”.
Wealth that comes in a crooked way will end up getting your life and destiny cooked. Make money without hurting anybody, make money without making people cry, make money without spilling blood and make money with your garment of honour on. Good money is clean.


Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Moments.

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