Consequence of Divorce Pt 2


Consequence of Divorce Pt 2

Bisi Adewale

You can never fathom the consequences of divorce that is why you have to give your marriage all it takes to succeed. Surely there is a reward for you.

1.Children in two-parent households are 44% less likely to be physically abused or neglected.
2.Boys in two-parent households are only half as likely to commit crime leading to incarceration in their thirties.
3.Fifteen-year-old girls in two-parent homes are one-third less likely to be sexually active.
4.Children in two-parent households have higher grades, higher college aspiration, better school attendance and lower dropout rate.
5.Children in two-parent households are less likely to cohabitate prior to marriage, become a single parent or teen parent, and become separated or divorced.
6.Children in single-Parent households are at greater risk of poor health, poor behavioural and poor educational outcomes.
7.They are also more likely than children in two-parent families to live in poverty, drop-out of school, abuse drugs or alcohol, and exhibit delinquent behaviours.
8 Children who grow up with married, biological parents are more likely to complete high school, have better health and become economically self-sufficient as adults.
The Northwest Marriage and Family Movement in America concludes from its research: “Healthy, strong marriages between a man and a woman are good for adults, essential for children, positive for society”. (Source: Chicago Land Marriage Resources Center)
I believe that by now you must have realised the evils a bad marriage can do to you, your finances, your health and the life of your precious children.
What will you do now? Divorce should be the last thing on your mind; you should abhor it like a plague because only the devil enjoys it.



Pastor Bisi Adewale is a family and relationship expert; author of Secret of Irresistible Wife and more than 70 other books on marriage and family life. You can reach him on, 08068312004, Whatsaap 08051512823, BB: 2AF5C883, Blog:, @bisiadewale