Affair proof your Marriage


Affair proof your Marriage

– Bisi Adewale
Affair proof your marriage in order to save you from a lot of hassles later. Please note that you can avoid adultery, it is within your power to do it, if you really mean it, carelessness is one of the major cause of affair in marriage not devil in the real sense of it as many people always claim when they fall into error. Be determined to stay faithful to your spouse and to to obey God’s commandment. Remember your body is His temple.

So, follow the following simple rules you will never fall into adultery.
1: Never make anybody of the opposite sex your best friend with whom you share intimate discussions
2: Never be with anybody of opposite sex at the time your spouse must never know you are there.
3 Never talk evil about your spouse in the presence of anybody,they will know you are not happy in your marriage and take advantage of that by showing you fake care and give you what you lack with your Spouse and destroy you.
3: be proud to use your wedding ring outside,let them know you are married and proud to be.
5: Never visit a website you will not be proud to tell your children and wife/ husband you visited.
6: Avoid keeping secrets from your spouse, AFFAIR thrive in secrecy.
7: Avoid confiding in the people of the opposite sex, there should be somebody of your sex you can talk to,don’t dig the grave of your marriage with your mouth.

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Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success; He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 52 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. For more info join our fan page and visit,, or call 08068312004, or send mail to