9 ways to balance your marriage and career

Pensive businessman standing at conference hall

9 ways to balance your marriage and career

By: Bisi Adewale

9 ways to balance your marriage and career

As a man, you need to learn to live a balanced life; coordinating your life in such a way that you will be a good husband, a wonderful father and a successful professional. You can’t afford to fail in any of these areas. So, a balanced life is non-negotiable. You must not live a lopsided life like most men do. Most successful executives, actors, business tycoon, politicians, C.E.Os, etc are failures in their homes because they don’t live a balanced lives.9 ways to balance your marriage and career 9 ways to balance your marriage and career 9 ways to balance your marriage and career


  1. SET YOUR PRIORITY RIGHT. Put your God first, family second, then love your career. If you put your career first, you will destroy your relationship with God and your family which will later affect your career and destroy you later in life.
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2.LEARN TO SNEAK OUT OF YOUR SCHEDULE. Don’t be too busy to show your love to your family. You can even demand for casual leave atimes, so as to be with your family.

3.MAKE GOOD USE OF YOUR WEEKEND AND VACATIONS. Most men prefer hanging out with their friends at weekends. Many collect money in lieu of vacations. This is totally wrong. Weekends and vacation periods are time to rest and allow your family to enjoy your presence. 9 ways to balance your marriage and career 9 ways to balance your marriage and career 9 ways to balance your marriage and career

4.GO HOME AFTER OFFICE HOUR. Avoid night clubs and parties. Rather, go home after the closing hour to be with your family.

5.PLAY WITH YOUR FAMILY. Play tennis, football, chess, etc with your family. Watch films with them, take them out just to be together, create good memory about you in your children. 9 ways to balance your marriage and career

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6.LET THERE BE SOLID FAMILY ALTAR. Create time to fellowship with your children, pray with them and study the Bible, let there be a strong family altar.

7.GET INVOLVED IN THE LIFE OF YOUR CHILDREN. Help them with their home work, attend their Parent Teacher’s Association (P.T.A) meetings, end of the year party in school. Never fail to visit your children who are in boarding schools on ‘visiting days’, be totally involved in the lives of these children that is the only thing they will remember about you in future.

8.CREATE TIME TO BE WITH YOUR WIFE. Create time to be with your wife. Alone and away from your children. Time and communication are the currencies of relationship.

Avoid any transfer that will take you away from your family.

Reject a ‘better job’ that will consume your time, taking away ‘family time’, involving Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the job may put more money into your pocket, but it will take you out of your loved ones.

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9.NEVER CARRY THE OFFICE STRESS HOME. When you get home, forget the office. Lighten up, brighten up; be a good husband and a great father to your family.