3 Things You Need to Bring About Change in Your Marriage


3 Things You Need to Bring About Change in Your Marriage

3 Things You Need to Bring About Change in Your Marriage

Written by: Kate
Kate says . . .

change in marriage

“I want to change, know that I need to change, but have no idea how to change.”

1. Pray
Nothing is going to happen of your own strength. Well, nothing that is lasting will come from your own strength. If you want to change you are going to need help. Praying, crying out to God to be everything you need in this time is the best way you can get ready to make changes. Seek God’s word on what it says to wives. Ask God to reveal to you, what he desires for you as a wife to YOUR husband. Talk to God and then stop and listen to what His Spirit is telling you.

2. One Thing
When we feel the need to change our lives we usually see many things that need to change. That may be truth, but that will also become overwhelming fast. If you feel the need to keep a list around, do just that. Make a “change list” in a journal or tuck it in your Bible. Then choose ONE thing to work on changing. Think about what you choose. Is there something that you feel nudged to work on first? Work diligently on that one thing until you feel you can add or move on. One thing at a time, ladies!


3. Trusted Friend
Seek out a trusted friend with whom you can share your desire to change. I would challenge that it should be a married woman in a solid marriage, but it doesn’t have to be. Just as long as it is a woman who will challenge and push you when needed as well as pray for you. Show them your list and which one you will be working on first. Be open and transparent with this friend. It is only through vulnerability and transparency that an accountability relationship works. Take that brave step and reach out!

3 Things You Need to Bring About Change in Your Marriage

3 Things You Need to Bring About Change in Your Marriage