There are generally 5 Kind of Couples in marriage. What determines the kind of Couple they are are the mode there marriages are, let me show you these kind of couples and their modes:
1: Fighting Couples: These kind of Couples fight on almost everything and everywhere, they fight about handkerchief on the table, loud television, which channel to watch, how to press tooth paste, toilet not been flushed well etc.
They are the worst set of Couple anybody can have around. They fight shamelessly, they only seek to hurt each other, they see each other as rivals and enemies and they go all out to fight each other even in the public. Their marriages are in FIGHTING MODE
2: Veteran couples: They were Couples fighting like cat and mouse before now, but now they are too old to fight but too stupid to settle and become friends. They are full of bitterness and hatred and they live their lives in old age like this, their Marriage is in VETERAN MODE.
3: Daddy and mummy couples: These are co-parents couples. The only thing that join them together are their Children. They hardly talk about any other thing apart from their Children.
Their lives are about their Children more than anything, they are only together because of Children without which they would have gone their separate ways. They are not friends or lovers, they enjoy spending time away from each other, but always love to be with their Children. They are in DADDY AND MUMMY MODE.
4: Husband and wife couples: They are traditional couples who are together as just husband and Wife. They live like close relatives, co tenant or close neighbours. No affection, no interaction, no intimacy and no fight like the fighting Couples.
They performs traditional Husband and Wife roles. Husband drops the Money, Wife cooks and everybody eats his or her food.
You can’t see them playing together, holding hands, kissing or hugging. You hardly see them talking and if they do it must be something about their Children, House keeping, bills, rates or rents
They can’t play together, they can jokes or laugh together, no romance in their dictionary at all, if they have sex at all it will be done as a duty and it will look like a grudge match or a matrimonial rape. They are are in HUSBAND AND WIFE MODE
5: Lover couples: These are lovers who are married and still keep their love glowing. They play, joke, laugh, talk and attend to each other.
They are not just married they are lovers, they are not just lovers they are intimate friends. Affection is high in this kind of marriage, interaction is optima, intimacy is sizzling, romance is hot and sex is terrific. THIS IS LOVERS’ MODE.
If you want a great marriage, you want your marriage to be in LOVERS’ MODE, seek to move your marriage from been in a fighting mode, daddy and mummy mode or husband and Wife mode. Work to make it a lovers’ mode marriage. Note that lovers mode marriage can not happen by accident, no you have to work it out, you need to make it work, you have to labour for it.
In my our INTIMATE MARRIAGE BOOTH CAMP on 1st and 2nd of October I will be opening your eyes to how to make your marriage a lovers’ mode marriage.
How to stop fighting in your marriage forever.
For just 5,000 Naira, you will turn your marriage around forever, 5k is early bird, it will soon turn to 10k which is the original cost
Zenith Bank.
After payment send evidence of payment, name, email adress to ?familybooster@yahoo.com? and ?08068312004?
We will mail you the link to join the class on the Afternoon of 1st October 2023 after the confirmation of payment.
— What is the current Mode of your Marriage?
— What mode do you desire your to be?
— Will you be ready to make your marriage work at any cost?
Share this post let it get to everyone you love and Let me see your answer in the comment area as we work together to rebuild your marriage and give your REST.

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